Chapter 5

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*Disclaimer: All belongs to SM but the plot is still mine!*

*Chapter 5*


The limo driver dropped us off at the front of the house, the limo driver opened the door for me and I walked out, stopping at the door to wait for Edward. Before Edward got to the door it opened, reveling a girl about my age, with black hair, she was tall but short, skinny, and she had brown eyes, but I couldn't really see them because of her glasses, either way she was pretty.

"Good evening Mrs. Cullen. I'm Angela, your maid/assistant." she said, letting me in.

"Bella, I'm going to my office for a little bit, I'll be in the room in about.....10 minutes. I need to take care of some paper work." said Edward, walking in and moving towards to where I think was his office.

"Okay." I said quietly, I really didn't feel like talking to him after what happened in the limo.

"Mrs. Cullen I'll show you to your room." Angela said, motioning to the stairs. I followed her upstairs.

Angela seemed nice, but this is Edward's house, he could have done many things in here I really don't want to think about, but I'm only going to be married for a month so I shouldn't care about want he does in this house of his. But if he did anything, I don't want to see like him doing it with someone with this house, I'm leaving because really! Sex with someone who is not your wife? Not that I want to have sex with him, but it's just stupid especially when you live with your parents, if I ever see that I will be scarred for life. I shutter just thinking about it. Yuck!

"Here you go Mrs. Cullen, your room." said Angela, opening the door to my room.

"Call me Bella please," I said before looking into the room, she nodded.

The room was beautiful, it looked modern but ancient. I could tell the theme was black and gold, because well, almost everything was black and gold. I walked into the room in awe.

"It's beautiful." I looked over to the bed; it had rose petals on it. The room was light by candles which made the room even more beautiful.

"Mrs. - I mean Bella, this is your closet." Angela said pointing to the closet closest to the bathroom.

"Thank you Angela, you can go now." I said, politely, she nodded and scurried out of the room.

I went to the closet and checked out the clothes, some of them were my clothes from home and some were new, Esme must have did some shopping. I picked out a blue nightgown and walked into the bathroom. I think I'm going to take a shower so I can sleep better.

I turned on the water, stripped, and got in. The warm water made my muscles relax, my mind thought about what was going to happen during the next few weeks that I'm here. First was the obvious, make Edward into a better person. Second, act like I actually love him and can stand him, which I can't do because I don't love him and I can't fucking stand him and his smart ass self. Third, be a good daughter to Esme and Carlisle before I leave, so they remember me. And fourth, try hard not to commit suicide. But hey there are positive things to this marriage! Like.....oh, wait there's nothing good about this marriage. There are some negatives though, like I'm sleeping with a man who for all I know could come home drunk! I might kill myself, and if I just want to do something I kill Edward either way Edward will die inside, or out. Seriously, I could care less. I feel like such a bitch because I'm giving him a hard time. Bella, no! He is bad news! All you do is make him good, divorce, and then when official marry Jake that's not hard. Don't get any feelings for Edward! But with that messy, sexy hair, those emerald green eyes that face, those lips.....Bella! Stop! You will not like him, ever! You love Jacob not Edward, Jacob not Edward....Edward not Jacob! Wait whoa! No it's Jacob not Edward! Why the hell did I just think that? Bella, just think Jacob, Jacob, Jacob, forget everything but Jacob. But Edward he's the hot bad boy. Jacob is the sweet, sensitive (kinda), hot, muscular boy. No Bella! Edward doesn't like you, he likes Tanya. He likes Tanya, I like Jacob, we both love someone else, and this marriage isn't going to work. I can see, talk, kiss, or touch Jacob without cameras taking a picture, which makes it much easier for Edward's and my parent's to find out. Damn it! Bella you were so relaxed till you started thinking about this. Better get out now, before I fall asleep.

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