Married To A Jerk: Let's Destroy a Dress and She's What?

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  • Dedicated to vampiregirl109, Mrs_Cullen, wilka015, penelope007

~*~ Disclaimer: I own a bunch of books, I own an iTouch and I own a bunch of posters but I do not own twilight or its characters. ~*~

~*~ Chapter 24 ~*~

~*~ Lauren ~*~

Tsk Tsk Tsk Tanya. This is why you shouldn’t trust people so easily. You never know if they could always turn their back on you and help your enemy when you least expect it.

You deserve everything we're about to do to you Tanya.

I take the seal off the spray paint can and shake them up. I smile, squeezing the bottles and spray the dress with purple and green paint. I grin when I see the paint splattered across the dress, then I take the scissors and cut from the hem of the dress to the top, cutting it in half. Only if I had a shredder this would be so much easier. I continue to cut till the dress is in little shreds. I sigh, finishing my job. I jam the scissors and empty bottles into my bag, before standing up and screaming at the top of the lungs, shouting for Tanya.

Seconds later Tanya comes rushing into the room, her eyes widening in horror at the scene before her.

She walks to the remains of her dress and drop to the floor. Her mouth is open in shock, her hands shaking as she picks up the shredded remains of her beautiful wedding dress.

"What happened?" she whispered mostly to herself.

"I-I don't know. It was like this when I came in.” I lied smoothly, “Who could have done this?”

I looked over to Alice while Tanya's mother soothed her. Alice winked and gave me thumbs up.

I give her a quickly smile before looking back the upset Tanya.

It felt so good to see her like this. Well, karma is a bitch. I just helped kick your ass. I move to Alice’s side. She was gawking at the walls that contained all of the pictures of Edward. “Who does this? I’ve never met someone so obsessed. Most stalkers don’t even do this. Does he know?” She asked quietly.

“I don’t think so because he would have been long gone by now. I can’t believe I was actually friends with this freak.”

“I kinda feel bad for Edward though.” Alice said, regret of the horrible things she said about him in her voice. “He doesn’t even know that in his basement is filled with pictures of him. I would be scared shitless if I were him.”

"I bet if he found out he would be running for the hills." As I said that Tanya ran out of the room hurriedly. Confused as to where she was going I walk over to Katrina. Her face was blank but, I could see her trying to hid a smile. Why was she smiling at her daughters’ sadness? She jumped when I spoke, quickly removing the smile starting to form. “Where did she head off to?”

She shrugged, “Off to complain to Edward or something.” Then she smiled at me, catching me completely off guard with her next words. “You did good, Lauren.”

I looked at her confused then I felt Alice’s presence next to me.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Denali. We have no idea what you are talking about?” Alice lied perfectly.

Katrina rolled her eyes at us. “Please I knew about it all along. I could hear the cans in your purse when you moved Lauren. I knew Alison was Alice because of her voice. And the dress was fine when I was here earlier. Tanya probably thinks in the back of her mind that I did it.”

I gaped at her. What. The. Hell. How did she know? She caught my expression and laughed. ‘I know what you’re thinking, ‘How does a mother hate her daughter?’” She shook her head and laughed again, “She is so conceited. She’s the reason why Daniel and I divorced; he couldn’t take her orders anymore. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn’t listen. Then Bella came along and she actually started to listen and be kind and then when she found out Bella stole her boyfriend she went insane. This is the reason for the pictures on the walls.”

Wow, she is insane like asylum insane. After this, we need to send her away.

I shook off my shock and finally spoke. “So does this mean you’re on our side?”

She gave me a dumb look, “Of course. Did you not just hear what I just said?”

I blushed at my stupidity, “Well, um, thank you. I guess?”

She smiled before frowning, “Well, I better get back to my devil child. Good luck girls. I hope you beat her ass.” She exited the room and I looked at Alice. She was still in shock, her eyes wide and jaw dropped to the floor. I snapped my fingers in front of her face and she immediately recovered.

“What that real or was I dreaming?” She asked.

I looked at the door Katrina just walked out of, pinching myself. When I felt the sting of my pinch I knew this was reality.

“Nope, we’re not dreaming. That was 100% real.”

-- First, I updated! Second, do me a favor and read my ORIGINAL story, Love Is a Death Wish. Third, your comments were lovely. Fourth, I was in the mood for writing a chapter to this story. Fifth, I went to fair today and they had a petting zoo! And lastly, comment. Fan. Vote. And read my new story!

Here’s the summary:

Alyssa Armando finally is getting a summer to herself where she doesn't have to spend it with her overprotective parents. While shopping with her new friend Amber, she catches the eye of former gangster Blake Hanson. He is on probation and trying to mend his old ways but, his old gang is still on his tail for something he did before he left. As he accidentally gets closer to Alyssa, she is dragged into the world of gangs, death and secrets. 

Alyssa's life is now in danger. Can Blake protect her without going to jail or being pulled back into the life he once said goodbye to? What happens when Alyssa's parents come back from their vacation to only find their daughter gone? And what are these feelings Blake and Alyssa are starting to feel about each other? Follow Alyssa and Blake into the world of love, death and danger. --

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