Married To A Jerk: Part One

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*~* Disclaimer: All belong to the wonderfully talented Stephanie Meyer. *~*

*~* Chapter 26 *~*

*~* Bella *~*

I was pregnant. And with Edward's child. A smile grew on my face as I realized that this was really happening. I am pregnant with Edward Anthony Cullen's child. This is...amazing.

I broke from my thoughts and looked back at the nurse when she spoke.

"Alright, I'm scheduling you for a ultra sound in a few weeks." She wrote down a date on a small card and handed it to me. "If you have any questions, the office number is on the card. Don't hesitate to call."

I smiled at her. "Thank you. I'll be sure to call if I have an questions."

"Your welcome." She sighed. "I guess I'll see you in a few weeks, Mrs. Cullen." She opened the door for Lauren and I. I jumped off the table carefully with Lauren in tow.

But, before I exited the room the nurse quietly said, "Lay off the stress too. I know things have been rough but, be positive."

I gave her a fake smile and walked back out to the waiting room. As soon as I stepped out of the door and into the waiting room Alice ambushed me with questions.

"Are ya pregnant? Huh, well are you? Oh my god, you are aren't you? You're glowing! Oh my god. I'm going to be an aunt. Oh, I'll be the best aunt ever! I'll buy them clothes and toy and just spoil them! What's the sex? Oh wait, you're probably too early into the pregnancy to know. You have to promise that I'll be the first to know. Forget Edward, are you going to tell him? No, that wouldn't be a good idea. But, he deserves to know? Then again he is the father, he has the right. But, that would just add more problems. Oh my g-" I silenced Alice by clamping my hand on top of her rambling mouth.

I looked at her worriedly. "Alice, calm down." I took a deep breath. "Everything is going to be fine. I'm going to tell Edward, just not now. I don't want to add anymore problems or have people start asking questions." She nodded excitedly. When I thought it was safe, I lifted my hand off her month which she childishly licked.

I wipe the saliva off on my shorts earning a glare from Lauren. After all, it was her shorts.

"Alright, ladies." Lauren said, sighing. "Let's get home. We have a wedding to ruin."

---------- Please Read Note!!!! ----------

--- Okay, I know. It's short. But, be happy this is the only short chapter I've written so far - I think. And, by the way, four pages is not short. THIS CHAPTER is what I call short. I'm sorry it's so short though. But, I'm tired and probably won't update for a while. It's only the second - almost third - week of school and I'm being bombarded with homework in all directions. I'll write more when I have time or during the time when I should be sleeping (cause I love you guys so much I'll deprive myself of sleep - barely) I'll write the next chapter or part later. I'll upload faster if you read my story Love Is A Death Wish. Please and Thank you! If you read Love Is A Death Wish or follow me on Twitter- in 140 characters -, I'll be posting sneak peeks or sneak quotes from the story. Oh, the next chapter is going to pretty suprising - possibly not to you, all depends on what your version of surprise is. Anyways! Vote. Comment and if you're reading this story for the first time FAN!!

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