Married to a Jerk: Chapter Thirty - The Truth

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but, the plot.


Chapter Thirty - The Truth

No way…this is not real…but, how? How can she possibly?

My eyes stare at the piece of paper in shock. She can’t possibly, but, he? No…way.

In the front Alice was jumping up and down, screaming – more like begging – to tell her what happened.

“Bella!” she whined. “Come on tell me, I’m your best friend!” My eyes looked at her jumping body. From my expression (of shock) she immediately frowned, exclaiming, “That man-whore! I knew it! He had sex with her and got her pregnant. I told you he was bad news! Now, look you’re chasing after a man-slut! I bet you he slept around when he was a teen. I swear to God…” She created tiny fists with her small hands and grumbled curses about Edward under her breath; she knew I could hear her too.

“Alice!” I yelled, trying to get the attention. She stopped her incoherent curses and looked at me with an annoyed expression. “What?” she said harshly. I ignored her tone and shook my head. “Alice,” I said quietly. “Edward is not the father.”

Her eyebrows furred and she released her fists, her expression softening. “Oh,” was all she said, embarrassed. “Then, I take back all that I said about Edward.” She said sheepishly, silently cursing herself for letting all that out. I smiled at my best friend. “Alice, it’s alright. You think what you think. I get it.”

“I’m still sorry and I was referring before he was nice, for your information.” She said before turning back to the road and slumping in her seat.

Lauren rolled her eyes and finally spoke. “Who’s the father?” she immediately asked.

I looked the paper again, to make sure I had seen right and looked back at my friends. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I answered her question. “James.”


 The scent of burning hair hit my nostrils and I gagged. God, I hate that smell. I moved away from the curling iron in disgust causing Alice to complain and tell me to stay still.

“Alice, why are going through this much trouble? No one is going look at me.”

I could tell Alice was rolling her eyes as she curled another strand of my dull brown hair. “People will be staring at you when you reveal Tanya for who she really is and you must look beautiful. Well, the beauty is already there. I’m just polishing the diamond. Now stay still.”

I let out a sigh and slumped in my seat. A few moments later, Lauren walked in. She wore the same dress as Alice and I, her hair also in curls cascading down her back. Her make-up was light and matched her blue bridesmaid dress. If you put us together, you’d think we were sisters but, with different hair colors and features.

Lauren grabbed the camera out my drawer and I gave her questioning look.

She shrugged. “Just want to remember the moment Tanya went crazy.” She smiled before leaving the room.

Just as she left, Marie came walking in, the house phone in hand. “Mama, there is some old lady on the phone for you.”

I raised an eyebrow and took the phone from Marie’s tiny hands. Pressing the phone to my ear, I answer with a questioning hello.

“Hello, Isabella.” Tanya sneered into the phone. Holding in my growl, I told Marie to leave the room. Alice gave me a ‘who’s that?’ look as she stopping curling my hair. I heard up a finger, telling her wait and replied back the witch.

“Hello, Tanya. What do you need?” I asked sweetly.

“Nothing, just wanted to rub it in your face that I’m married Edward.” She said. I could hear the smile forming on her lips as she spoke. “Oh, and I want to wish you luck.” She said before the line went dead. Confused, I stared at the phone. What did she mean by wish me luck?


Half an hour later Lauren, Alice, Marie and I were in a limo – offered by Edward – on our way to Edward’s house where the wedding would take place in his backyard. Tanya disagreed with this arranged destination, saying it was cheap and disgusting. In my mind, she was describing herself.

A nerve wrecking feeling went through my body, telling me something was off. I ignored, thinking it was a feeling of nervousness.

I sighed again as I played with my fingers. What was taking so long? Lauren only lived ten minutes away from Edward.

Just as I finished that thought, the limo came to a stop. Letting out a sigh of relief, I quickly open the door and jump out. The three girls followed me out, a smile on all of our faces. My smiled dropped when I turn around and realize this was not Edward’s house.

Confused, I turn the limo driver. “Excuse me, sir?” I asked. The driver turned and faced me. My words stop in my throat and every bone in my body freezes.

“Hello, Isabella. Miss me?” He said, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. 

"James," Alice growled, her eyes narrowing. Lauren just stood there confused. "What's going on? Who's he?" she asked, hooking her thumb in James' direction.

Alice gave a quick glance at Lauren. "No one important to the human race," Alice said before turning her glare back at James.

James laughed before smiling a big smile. "Well, I'd love to chat but, I've got a wedding to be at. My baby is waiting. Good luck." He saluted before sliding back into the black stretch limo.

"What just happened?" Lauren asked looking at Alice and I. Alice's eyes watched the descending car while I stood there asking myself: "Is this what Tanya meant?"

---- This is the second to last chapter. I will be updating the last chapter later. I don't have much to say because I'm tried and busy. Bye :D I'll update the last next when I rewrite it!


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