Chapter 23: Let's Kill Tanya. No One Will Miss Her, Right?

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First of all, I am sorry about the updating. I'm extremely lazy and procrastinate way too much. And please do me a favor after you finish reading (I just might take some more time from updating) Please check out my new ORIGINAL story, Love Is A Death Wish. Please and thank you.

Chapter 23

~*~ Disclaimer: Mrs. Meyer owns all but the plot. ~*~

_*_*_ Bella's Point Of View _*_*_

"Edward!" Tanya screeched with her annoying voice.

"Yes, love?" he asked clearing his throat and cringing. My mind focused more on the nickname though. Love? That's my nickname.

"Move it." Tanya said shoving me to the side causing me to stumble but, I caught my balance. From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward's eye flash in anger but, he didn't speak, knowing that Tanya could and would do something even worse to me if she found out what we were doing behind closed doors. Alone.

"Bitch." I mumbled to myself as I moved to the side.

"Eddie," Tanya pouted, trying to act cute. "Someone trashed my beautiful wedding dress," She said leaning against his body and tracing a finger down his chest. I shook my head while stifling a laugh. Oh god, I think I'm going to throw up at her lame attempt to be cute. And thank you Lauren!

"Do you have an idea of who it could be?" Edward asked. He sent a quick apologetic look to me. I waved it off.

"I don't know." Tanya shook her head. "Lauren said it was destroyed when she got there." Edward nodded and said, "It's okay, we'll go buy you a new dress for you. Now please leave, Isabella and I are discussing the divorce." Edward took her to the door and lead her out but, before she left she planted a long kiss on Edward's lips. I felt tears forming at the sight. I quickly looked away and bit my lip. I couldn't stand to see Edward kiss another woman.

Once Tanya stopped sucking face with Edward, she left giving me a small smirk.

"God damn, that was nasty. She wears too much lipstick." He said with a disgusted look, wiping the Tanya germs off his lips with the back of his hand. I giggled, quickly stopped with his eyes turned to face me with a confused look.

"What?" He asked.

I pointed to the corner of his lips, where a small bit of Tanya's lipstick remained. I took my thumb and gently wiped it off. As I pulled back his hand caught my wrist, quickly kissing it before intertwining our hands.

"H-how's Marie? Where is she? Does she know about what's going on?"

I looked down at my sandals, biting my lip. "She's fine," I looked back up into Edward's comforting green eyes, "she misses you though. I had to tell her that you were going on vacation."'

"Oh." He frowned, his eyes showing some sadness. "Well, we should set up the divorce papers." He said suddenly. He walked back behind his desk, presenting a stack of papers and a pen.

"Why do you have those?" I asked confused. Doesn't it take some time for that?

"Just in case." He shrugged.

Why would he have the divorce papers already set up? Did he think that we wouldn't be able to prove Tanya is wrong? He doesn't believe in me, does he?

"In case of what?" I asked a bit angry. "We divorce? Are you so confident that we won't be able to prove Tanya is lying? How do you already have those papers? What about the separation agreement? I don't remember signing anything. Don't you love me?" I said fitting back the tears.

"Bella, of course I love you." He said in a hushed tone. "These papers are fake. Tanya won't know the difference. And I did have real divorce papers before but then I fell in love with you. The real one is gone." He said coming closer and embracing me his strong arms. "I never thought any of this would happen. I love you."

"Oh." I said dumbly, feeling bad about putting him on the spot.

He chuckled, hugging me again. "You're so cute."

~*~ Lauren ~*~

"Hey Tanya." I said walked up to Tanya and her mother who sat on the couch with Alison by her side looking at dresses. "I want to see the beautiful wedding dress that you keep bragging about."

She looked up from the book and smiled, "Sure, the code for the safe is Edward's birthday, 062091." Wow, this chick is obsessed.

"Thanks Tanya, I'll be back."Before I exited the room I looked over at Alice to see if she was okay. She looked as if she was being tortured. Well, I never thought I'd see the day of Alice actually being tortured by dresses. She met my eyes and mouthed a 'good luck'. I smiled before walking down the stairs in the basement. I walked down a hall to a huge safe.

Whoa, isn't it kinda obvious that something really important is in there? Tanya is really dumb. You never put something important in a huge safe, it just makes it more tempting to open. I shook my head at her stupidity and punched the code in. When it opened, I walked inside.

Oh. My. Damn. This place is huge! It's like the size of my apartment, maybe even bigger. I looked around the place. I spotted Tanya's dress sitting in the middle of the safe. There was light shining on it, making the sequins shine. I looked around the safe again. This time getting a better look, I noticed that the walls were covered in dresses mixed with different colors and different styles. On one wall stood pictures of Edward pasted all over with love hearts all around them. If Edward has seen this and didn't run for his life he must be insane. I would have been out that door running for my life right now.

Banishing my thoughts of Tanya and her obsession I slowly making my way to the dress, circling it as I looked it over. I smiled to myself before taking out my spray paint that I had hid in my purse. This should be fun.

-- Okay, your constant nagging finally broke me! My damn, I was getting tired of it. Every time checked my email someone was nagging me. I know I didn't update at all during the summer. I was too lazy and I basically woke up every morning, well afternoon, too lazy to get up. And then there is my mom, complaining about housework. Which I now will be doing when she asks. Anyways, school has started! I'm tired, I have a biology project already, I have to help my best friend with her quince, and soon I no longer will be free on Sundays because of Sunday-School! I get enough of school five days a week so why not torture me some more the day before school starts again and then I'm free on Saturday's barely cause I hang with friends then and then there are those parties I have no choice but to go to on Saturdays. I hate parties! Why can't people understand that?!?!? And now, please be darlings and check out my new ORIGINAL story, Love Is A Death Wish. I would really appreciate it. Please and thank you. :)

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