Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: All belongs to SM except the plot!

*Chapter 2*

Edward POV

Marriage? Marriage? Marriage? What the hell! Marriage to Isabella Swan? I don't need an arranged marriage! I can get married when I want to; I'm 19 I make my own decisions! Ugh, since when did my parents tell me what to do? I have a girlfriend already! Tanya. I can't get married when I have a girlfriend. I can't believe this.

Isabella Swan is supposedly the nicest, sweetest, most beautiful, gracious, caring girl in London. Well I think it's all an act, no girl can be nice. Here we are the Swan's house. Hmm, it's nice.

"Edward, please be nice to Isabella. She is respected by everyone so please be respectable." said my Mother, Esme.

"Sure, whatever you say mother dearest." I waved her off.

"Edward." growled Carlisle, my father.

"Okay, sorry. I'll be nice."

"Thank you."

Ha! As soon as Isabella and I are alone and you're gone I won't be nice. I can't be nice for even a minute.

Carlisle knocked on the door and a petite girl opened it.

"Hello, I'm Alice Brandon. Are you the Cullen's?" she said in a British accent.

"Yes, Alice. If you don't mind me asking who are you to Isabella?" said my mother.

"I am her maid and best friend."

"A maid as her best friend? Wow, Isabella is really sweet to be friends with a maid." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, you must Edward. I have heard so much about you and so has Isabella. She doesn't like many things about you, but she loves Mr. & Mrs. Cullen."

"Figures, he needs to clean up his act before this marriage." said Carlisle.

"Um, well Isabella will be down in a minute. Mr. & Mrs. Swan are in the living room, I will show you the way."

The shorty showed us to the living room and I sat down in the love seat, while my parents sat across from Mr. & Mrs. Swan in the couch.

"Mr. & Mrs. Swan, these are the Cullen's." said Alice.

"Thank you Alice. Now please get Isabella." said Renee.

"Yes ma'am."

Alice left the room, the adults started talk about whatever.

*10 minutes later*

"Esme, Carlisle this is my daughter Isabella." Ms. Swan said, standing up and putting her arms around Isabella.

"Wow, Renee she's beautiful." said Carlisle

"Thank you Mr. Cullen." Isabella blushed. Wow, she has a beautiful blush.

"Please call me Carlisle; Mr. Cullen makes me feel old." He smiled.

She blushed again. I wonder how many times she blushes in a month. Maybe 100?

"What a beautiful blush." said Esme.

"Thank you Mrs. Cullen."

"Esme, please call me Esme." She smiled.

"Edward this is Isabella." said Carlisle.

I looked up and breathed, "Whoa." Isabella was in a beautiful light blue dress, perfect for Tanya. My eyes went to her face, everyone was right she is beautiful. Those chocolate brown eyes, her beautiful brown curls, her full, kissable lips, that figure. Yum. I'm going to be marrying her? Two words, Awe-some!

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