Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: All belongs to SM but the plot and the characters I make up are mine! And yes there is actually a made up character in this one well I think it's made up. I don't know if there is actually person who is like her if not she is my character!

*Chapter 6*


"Bella, Bella, wake up." whispered a soft voice, shaking me.

"Mmm, 10 more minutes." I waved at them. I was really tired, that milk helped a lot. I slept like a baby last night. I had the greatest dream; it was Jacob and I on the beach, laying down on the sand, staring at the sunset. Mmm, Jacob. We were talking about things like things I really don't want to think about right now, all I want to do it sleep.

"Bella, you have to wake up. Mr. Cullen is downstairs eating breakfast, and someone people are here to see you. I think their names were Jacob Black Nomad and Victoria Nomad?" (I had to change his last name since he is now Victoria's son and her last name was Nomad I think.)

"What?" I yelled shooting up off the bed and running to the bathroom while yelling to Angela, "Tell them I'll be down in 10 minutes!"

"Yes ma'am." She said leaving the room.

I closed the door to the bathroom, I quickly brushed my teeth while combing my hair, and let me tell you it was hard! I spit the sink and got a cup and cleaned my mouth and spat again. I finished combing my hair; my curls were there so I looked good. I got my make-up and put on some foundation, clear lip gloss, eye liner but not so much that I looked like a raccoon, my mascara, and no blush because I blush naturally. I looked in the mirror. Okay, I look good. Now clothes! I ran out of the bathroom to my closet but while I ran I bumped into something and almost fell if it wasn't for strong arms around my waist.

"Whoa! You okay?" said a velvety voice, Edward's.

I opened my eyes and said, "Yeah fine. Is Jacob still down there?"

"Yeah, and so is Victoria. You know your aunt looks really young, she's a flirt machine." He laughed. We stared into each others eyes till I said, "Yeah she is, um, Edward you can let go of me now." trying to hide my smile.

"Oh, sorry." He blushed, letting me go. Edward blushed? Gasp! Ohmigod!

I smiled as I brushed past Edward and down the stairs. I can't believe he just blushed! All the time I have known him he has never blushed! I came to a stop when I came to the entrance of the living room and spied the hair of my Aunt Victoria. I stepped into full view of the doorway and saw the sleek jet black hair of Jacob. I missed him sooo much! I had to use all my restrain to go over and give him the biggest hug I have ever given.

"Bella!" Aunt Victoria exclaimed and she stood from the couch and pulled me in for a hug. "It's been so long since I last saw you! I can't believe your married! My little niece is all grown up!" She gripped me tighter and I could feel that my lungs were desperate for air. "Hi...Aunt Victoria... Can't breathe" She let go of me straight away and shot me an apologetic smile. "Sorry Bella. It's just I haven't seen you in so long!" She shot me another smile then sat down again. "Don't worry about it! And yeah I am married. I'm really happy too. I plastered a fake smile on my face. "I believe you've met him?" She nodded. I could tell she had flirted with him. She had this certain glint in her eye whenever she has flirted with someone. "You've got a keeper there Bella. Don't let him get away."

"Don't worry I won't." I lied. I turned around and was faced with Jacob with a look of sadness on his features. I wanted so badly to make that sadness go away and have my Jacob back. "Hi Jake." I exclaimed with a smile on my face. "Where's my hug?" a huge smile came upon his face and he looked like my Jacob again. He quickly picked me up and spun me around bringing his mouth to my ear. "Man Bells I miss you so much! I can't wait till you're not married anymore!" His voice cracked and I could tell he was about to cry. I gripped him even tighter and brought his ear to my mouth. "I know what you mean baby. I miss you too. I can't wait for this month to be over as much as you can!" I clutched him tighter for a second then let him go.

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