Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: Stephanie owns all but the plot and the characters I make up but for now all I own is the plot but till I make up characters then I'll own those people! Oh, and no stealing! I will bite you, lol jk, not! I seriously will bite you!


Bella POV:

Tomorrow is the wedding, crap! Edward and I have been spending everyday together, and by spending I mean acting like we actually like each other, putting on fake smiles, fake kisses, fake everything! Oh, and yesterday guess what we found out? Esme and Carlisle hired someone to hire someone to spy on us, I love them but why the hell would you hire someone to spy on your son and his fiancé? That's an invasion of privacy, why don't we have privacy when people don't respect it? Anyway, right now I'm choosing my dress well technically Esme and my mom are choosing my dress I'm just being their Barbie doll. Let me tell you they are worse than 20 Alice's combined! It's like I try on one dress the second I step out they're like 'No it's all wrong! Bella wear this one.' and then I'm back in the dressing room Whoop ti do! Now I'm on my 50th dress! Will they just make up their mind?

I walked out of the changing room for the 51st time, looked in the mirror, and walked to my mother and Esme. As soon as they looked at me they exclaimed, "That's the one!" then broke out laughing. Oh, did I mention my mom and Esme have become the best of friends? Yay! This is so exciting! Not! They are just making the whole thing harder, especially with the divorce. I don't want to make them sad, I have never made my mother sad, but soon I will. Why does life have to be so damn complicated? Someone help me please!

"We'll take that one, Bella take the dress of and give it to Tanya." Tanya is one of the employees on the store we're at, and she is also Edward's girlfriend well according to Esme his ex-girlfriend. Tanya is a pretty girl, she said I'm her role model, that so sweet, but it would be better if I wasn't marrying her boyfriend, and if she knew I was! Yes, she doesn't know yet, Edward hasn't built up the confidence to tell her, what a baby.

I walked back to the dressing room, and took off the dress. I wonder if Edward told Tanya about the marriage she would rip his head off. I would be so happy, I know I'm being mean again but I just really hate him, I know we bonded and everything but he still doesn't understand that life isn't a party, you have to be serious sometimes. Again, why is life so complicated?

I walked out of the dressing room and went to the front desk when I got there Tanya sent me a death glare, I guess Esme me told her then. I hope she doesn't kill me. I sat the dress down and Tanya folded it, putting it in a box, and then dropping it into the bag.

"That'll be $1550.60." she said, staring at me with a cold expression. I gave her my card. Man, she must be mad, it's not my fault its Edward's for being the bad person but then again it's my fault for being a good girl. Me and my stupid niceness!

She gave me my card back along with my dress and I walked out of the store. When I got out I saw Jake with his friends. Oh crap! Jake had been my boyfriend for about 3 years, but that record is about to come to an ending, because of my stupid marriage to Mr. Bad Ass or should I say Mr. Pain in the Ass. It's surprising how both he and Tanya haven't heard about the whole marriage thing with me and Edward I mean it's like on every magazine you see, how could you miss it? I walked (tried) to my car, covering my face with a magazine but that didn't seem to work.

"Hey Bells!" Jake waved. Fuck! I looked up and smiled weakly. "Come here!" he yelled.

I walked over to him and his friends, thank god Esme and my mom went to buy jewelry without me. "Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey Bella, so how've you been?" asked Embry.

"Great, just great. Amazing! Perfect!" I laughed.

"Okay? Anyway what's with you and that guy Edward?" asked Sam.

"Oh, we're just friends, and getting married." I whispered that last part to myself.

"What was that last part?" asked Jake.

"We're getting married." I mumbled.


"We're getting married." I mumbled again.

"You're what?" he said moving his ear closer.

"We're getting married!" I yelled, I quickly covered my mouth with my hands.

"What! You're getting married to him! How could you?" he questioned.

"Jake listen to me. It was arranged, I didn't know about it till a week ago. We're only acting. Please believe me, I would never leave nor would I hurt you." I said, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look into my eyes, to show that I'm not lying.

"Okay, I believe you but, what about us? What about our future?" he said holding my hands together.

"Edward and I have made up a plan. We get married but inside we don't accept it, in about a month he becomes a good person, after that we have a fight, break the marriage, during the separation between us I'm going to go to America and just have to come with me and we can have the future we wanted together." I said now holding his hands together.

"Okay, but what about Edward?" he asked.

"He can do whatever he wants, he can marry Tanya, have kids, and I won't care."

"Okay." he nodded.

"Wow, lots of drama in your relationship Jakey." laughing Paul.

"I bet Kimberly would hit you if you said that, because she's a drama queen." said Quil, swooning. I laughed, "Yeah Paul, watch out because I foresee your girlfriend and mood swings." laughed Jared.

"Shut up! She maybe be a drama queen but who cares!" defended Paul.

We all laughed, I looked at my cell phone to check the time, 5:49pm. I looked up and said, "Well it's been fun talking to you guys but I better get ready for the wedding tomorrow."

"It's tomorrow? Man you two are rich! How can you arrange everything for a wedding in a week?" said Paul.

"It's called preparing everything before the two who are arranged to get married are told." I laughed.

"Oh." he stopped laughing.

"Yeah, oh. Well bye everyone, bye Jake." I hugged Jake and walked away waving.

"Well that was easier than I thought; at least he took it easier than Tanya did." I whispered to myself.


An: So what did you think? Happy Jakey took the news better than Tanya? Or you're sad that he didn't break up with her? Tell me what you thought in a comment please.

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