Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter: 15 (Not Original)

I picked up the phone as soon as I got home and dialed Eddie's number. I was pregnant! About 5 months. I found out a bit late, I just thought I was getting fat then when I went to the doctor's this afternoon it was confirmed, it was kinda stupid to do it now so no abortion. But, I don't know the father of the child so I'm assuming its Eddie, and I want that Isabella's heart to shatter. She deserves it, stealing my Eddie away from me, and having the guts to married him. I'm going to make her life a living hell. I'm going to tell Eddie that I'm carrying his child, assuming that it's his, and then he'll tell that bitch, she'll get mad and knowing how mad Eddie gets when people yell at him, he'll kick her out within 2 minutes. Then he'll have no choice but to marry me after they divorce since well if you get a woman pregnant you have no choice to marry them or your reputation will be tarnished and I know Eddie doesn't want that. An evil smirk formed on my face. Bye, bye Isabella, see you never! An evil laugh escaped from my lips. I waited for Eddie to answer the phone, but he never did I ended up with a voicemail. Damn it!

My thoughts went back to the bitch. What does she have that I don't? I mean I'm sexy, every man wants me, my boobs are prefect, my ass is awesome, and I'm an awesome sex partner. I'm everything you want in a woman! Isabella, sure she's nice but no one cares. I can't believe I tried to be like her! She's nothing but a smart ass, ugly as shit, man stealing, whore! Ugh, what does Eddie see in her? I used to bring him so much pleasure, so much joy. I'm prefect for him and his taste, Isabella is so out of his league unlike me I'm in his league. I know I'm not that rich but when I'm married to Eddie I'm be rich as hell. See, I'm prefect! Isabella she's has her own money, half her money is from her success from helping the world and junk like that. Who even cares for the world now? Not me! Forget the hunger or hungry or whatever people out there. It's their fault for being poor not mine, so why should I help? My beauty and body could help me land a job as a model but I'd rather not work, working means to work and sweat and that equals gross. I want to marry a rich, hot man, so I don't have to do all the work and that man is Edward, my darling Eddie. Another laugh escaped from my lips. I love being me, don't you? A knock from the door took me from my thoughts. I walked up to the door, swaying my hips. When I opened it, it was Lauren and Jessica, my besties.

"Hey Tanya, what did you call us for?" asked Jessica. Ugh, Jessica she was so clingy, so is Lauren. I only have them as my friends because well duh, they were beautiful but not more than me and they agree with everything I say. Who could ask for more than that?

"Come on in, we need to talk inside so no one hears us." I said, pulling them into the house. They sat down on the couch and I sat down on the love seat across from them. Ahh, this is the love seat Eddie and I fucked repeatedly on, those were the days. Edward's fingers in my pussy, my hand on his rock hard cock, taking it into my mouth, mmm, him coming in my mouth, ooo, I miss those days. Soon those days will be back, when that slut leave's Eddie's life and mine.

"So, why did you call us over?" Lauren said, taking me away from my thoughts once again. I growled, "Fuck, I was having his amazing dream and you ruined it. Why can't you just let me talk when I want to talk?"

"Okay." They said. They just sat there, and looked at me.

"Well?" I asked.


"Aren't you going to ask me why you're here?" I said. Ugh, these girls can be real dumb sometimes.

"We already asked you, you told us to let you talk when you wanted to." said Jessica.

"What? I never said that! Ugh, whatever," I waved their stupid ness away, "I'm going to tell you my plan to get Eddie back. Do you have the photos of them?" I held my hand out for the photos. I asked the idiots to spy on Eddie and the whore and take pictures of them getting cozy, yuck!

Lauren looked in her purse for her camera, putting them in my waiting hand. I looked them over. Eddie with her in bed, gross, Eddie kissing the whore, eww. I looked at the next picture it was him and her fucking each other on his desk. I showed Lauren and Jessica the picture, "When did you take the picture?" I asked.

"This afternoon, right before we came here. It was torture taking that picture but we did it for you." smiled Lauren.

"Yeah whatever, so he's fucking her? They have a physical and emotional relationship? This game just got even better, she'll be broken into itsy bitsy pieces and I'll just be there laughing." I laughed, the idiots joined in. I stopped and they just kept on laughing, "Hey, morons!" I snapped. They immediately stopped laughing.

"Thank you." I said. I mentally shook my head, idiots.

"Now I will tell you my plan." I added. Lauren and Jessica sat there patiently.

"Okay," I started, "Today I just found out I'm pregnant but I do know the father, I'm assuming its Eddie cause I love him and I want him to be the father. I planned to call him and say I'm pregnant with his child but no one picked up I'll call later, anyway, I tell Eddie, he tells the bitch, she gets mad, he gets mad and throws her out, she goes bye bye, then Eddie and I marry and we live happy ever after. Everyone will be happy. The whore can go on with her life, Eddie will be happy to be rid of her and I get the money and the man." I smiled, clapping my hands together. My best plan yet!

"But, with the way Edward treats and looks at her, it looks like he's in love with her. I know you know that but do you really think that separating them would be best?" said Lauren.

"Who asked you?" I yelled.

"No one but, if they're meant for each other nothing can separate them, even you. Soul mates are soul mates, you can't change the path of life."

"Shut up! Are you with me or not?"

"I'm with you, but I'm just saying."

"Stop saying and start knowing. I know I, I mean we can break this relationship because I know Eddie and I are soul mates." I said. Is she on my side or not?

"Okay, whatever you say." She obeyed.


"Okay, whatever you say." I said. I hate this girl! I'm not really friends with her. It might be shocking but I actually like Bella. She's nice and sweet. Edward and her make a great couple. Edward and Tanya not so good. When I saw Bella at her wedding I wanted to apologize to her for being mean to her in high school but with Jessica with me, she would have told Tanya and I couldn't get all this info about Tanya's plan. When her plan is set I will go tell Edward and Bella and then her plan is ruined. I feel bad for Bella, a sweet innocent girl about to get hurt. I just couldn't let that happen, sure I was mean to her in high school but I've changed since then. I started reading about Bella and what she does, the things she does for others, and how much people love her just changed me. I actually like being nice. I have a nice boyfriend because of being nice. Tanya thinks being nice is stupid, that you'll never get a real man that way, but she's wrong. Tyler, my boyfriend (secret bf), is nice and all man. Tanya says all a man wants is a good fuck then you move on, niceness doesn't matter. Sexy and innocent is what matters if you ever want a good love/sex life. That's way wrong! I have a great boyfriend, and great love/sex life. I'm treated nicely and I don't make a lot of money but I work hard. I'm fine with just that.




Such idiots, the rest of the day the morons and I talked about the plan. This is going to be fun!

--- I accidentally deleted this chapter and this not the way it was supposed to be written. I’m sorry if it sounds childish! It’s not the edited version I had created before. I’m sorry if this the first time your reading this!

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