Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: All belongs to SM except the plot and Marie!

Chapter 7


Marie has been sleeping for the past 2 hours; it's almost dinner I think I'll make dinner today instead of the cooks. I walked into the kitchen and told the head chef, Gustavo, the he and his crew can go home early today; he nodded and turned to his crew.

"Mrs. Cullen is preparing the dinner today, we have been allowed to go home." he said in his Italian accent. Everyone nodded, hung up their chef hats and aprons, and walked out the door.

"Mrs. - I mean Bella what are you doing?" asked Angela walking into the room, as I put on an apron.

"I'm cooking dinner, oh, and Angela you can go home early today." I said as I went through the cabinets.

"Actually Bella, I was wondering if I could help you." she asked quietly.

"Sure, come on and put on an apron and let's do it!" I laughed, getting some pasta from the cabinet.

She put on the apron and tied her hair back same as me but mine was in a braid.

"Alright what are we making Chef Isabella?" she laughed, washing her hands which I also did.

"We're making Fettuccine alfredo, an Italian dish, I made when I was vacationing in Italy." I said getting and preparing 24 ounces dry fettuccini pasta, 1 cup butter, 3/4 pint heavy cream, salt and pepper to taste, 1 dash garlic salt, 3/4 cup grated Romano cheese, and 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese.

"Wow, you know this is Edward's favorite dish right? His mom used to make it for him when he was a kid but she stopped making it because it wasn't good if he kept eating it everyday, he hasn't eaten it in 12 years, he'll be really happy to know that his wife has made it for him." she smiled.

"Good to know, maybe he'll be in a happy mood for the rest of the day." I smiled.

"So I heard you adopted a little girl, Marie, this afternoon." Angela said putting the pasta in the boiling water and closing the pot with the top.

"Yes, I did." I said grating the cheese.

"That's really sweet of you. Adopting a little girl, not many people adopt these days."

"I noticed. I saw a lot kids at the adoption center, they looked sad. I thought about going every week there and playing with the kids, to make them feel happy."

"You should, maybe bring Edward with you. You are like everyone says you are. An angel sent from above to make people happy. I read stuff about you; you can't stand to make anyone unhappy, you think of others first before you think about yourself, that's why you adopted Marie you thought about her having no family so you took her in."

"I like to make others happy, but my parents want me to be happy before anyone else. I don't like to think about negatives too much but its hard not to think when it involves someone you love in the problem."

"I know what you mean; life is difficult when someone you love isn't happy. You always want to make people happy."

"Yeah, so-" I was cut off by Edward yelling Angela's name.

"Yes, Mr. Cullen?" Angela said peeking her head out the door.

"Your husband called and said you need to go to the hospital, your cousin is having her baby." he said.

"Okay, Bella I have to go. Do you think you can mange without me?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I'm almost done anyway."

"Okay, Bye." she hugged me, I hugged her back and she was out of the house.

I continued working until Edward came up behind me and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cooking dinner. Oh, and Edward can you check on Marie for me?" I asked.

"I did, she's watching T.V. in the living room. What are you making?" I turned around and checked to see if Marie was in the living room, she was. I turned back to Edward and smiled.

"Fettuccine alfredo." I said. A smiled formed on his lips.

"Fettuccine alfredo, I haven't had that in 12 years."

"I know, Angela told me. I was already making it when I was told it was your favorite. You wanna know something?" I smiled, motioning with my finger to come closer.

He moved his ear to my lips and I whispered, "It's my favorite too."

He moved back and smirked, "Oh really, seems like you and I have some things in common."

"I think we do. Anyway do you wanna help me?" I smiled.

"Sure, why are you doing this anyway?" he said washing his hands and putting on an apron.

"Marie is new the family so I thought that I would make dinner for you and her."

"That's really nice. I feel really bad about being mean to you though. You doing all this and I don't deserve you." he looked down.

I touched his arm and he looked at me, "Edward its okay, I understand. Don't bag on yourself."

"How can you be so nice and forget all the things I said that hurt you?"

I shrugged, "I guess it's just the way am. I forgive everyone."

"You know you're really nice, you deserve someone better than me." he said looking into my eyes.

"Your nice too, but you need to let the dark side of you go, don't give in to the dark." (I got that from "Hunted" by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast)

"Show your human side not the monster." I added. (Also from "Hunted")

He nodded and continued to look into my eyes. We stared into each others eyes until I felt soft lips against mine. Edward was kissing me! Willingly!

His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to his body. My arms wrapped around his neck, he moaned, deepening the kiss. Oh my god! What was I doing? You're kissing Edward Cullen dumb-ass! Should I pull away? No! He's an awesome kisser! Oh no.

"I'm sorry." he whispered against my lips.

I just moaned. Edward lifted me up and put me on top of the island, continuing to kiss me.

His hands went up my shirt, massaging my sides. I groaned and whispered, "Edward stop, this isn't right. What about Tanya?"

"Mmm, forget her. She's gone from my life." his hands continued to move up my shirt.

I pulled back, "What do you mean she's gone?" I asked.

"I broke up with her, that's why I was out." he moved forward, trying to caught my lips again, but I pulled back.

"What about Jacob?" I asked.

"What about him?" he said trying to take off my apron. I stopped his hands.

"I love him, and doing this." motioning to his hands, which were at my waist. "Isn't helping with the divorce part of the plan."

"Yeah, I thought about that, and decided I'm not going to divorce." he said kissing my neck, gently sucking and licking.

"Edward, no, we have to. I love Jacob." I said pulling away from his lips.

"Forget him, he's a bad person." he said, and then I smelled it. Alcohol

AN: Ooooo! Bad Eddie! He he, Anyway what did you think? Tell me in a review please.

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