Chapter 4

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******Disclaimer: All belongs to SM! Everything but the plot remember that!******

*****Chapter 4*****


My wedding day, holy shit! I'm getting married to the man I don't even love! Shh, Bella calm down Bella, you'll only be married to him for a month, and then you can go and live happily with Jacob. I just hope that day comes fast! Father time please hurry this thing up! I know your not real but please! Come on! I paced around in my room with Alice trying to get me to stay still so she could finish my hair. "Bella, stay still!" she scolded.

"How can I? I'm getting married to a man I don't love and the man I do love I can't marry till I'm divorced!" I yelled. I hope my mom didn't hear that. I'll be so dead if she did.

"If you held still we could get out faster, get you married, then all you have to do is wait a month, divorce, leave, then when the divorce is official marry Jake! So calm down!" she yelled back at me. I really hope that my mom didn't hear that because that's the plan and if she finds out she'll mess with it!

"Okay." I took a deep breath.

"Count to 10, it always helps Jasper." advised Alice.

"Okay, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." I said slowly, taking deep breaths between each number.

"Okay, finito! Fantastico!" she said in Italian.

"Grazie! E 'impressionante!" I responded in Italian, looking at myself in the mirror.

"La vostra accoglienza! Sapevo che lo amo!" she smiled. (Translations at the bottom)

Oh, did I forget to mention we went to Italy before (Alice too) and we spoke in Italian all the time I guess it stuck with us.

"Okay, help me with the veil please." I said trying to put the veil on my head.

Alice helped me with the veil, and then finished up my make-up.

"Okay, now all you need to put on is the shoes and your set." Alice said putting the finishing touches on my face.

"Here the shoes." she said tossing me the white heels.

"Put them on while I get your mom and Esme." I nodded.

I slipped on the shoes and walked to the large mirror that showed me from head to toe.

I looked pretty, actually I looked beautiful. My make-up was perfect, my lips were glossy I'm not a girl who wears lipstick, my face looked as if it was glowing, my brown eyes stood out, the strapless dress clung to my body from my chest to my waist, then went puffy and princessy from my hips down, my shoes matched my dress perfectly, my veil hid my hair, but I could see it was in a bun with my bangs made into braids tied to the bun, just like Bella from the Beauty and the Beast, okay, that's just weird. It's like I'm the beauty, who doesn't consider herself to be beautiful, and Edward is the mean, old beast. That's weird, extremely weird. I looked back at the mirror and smiled, "I look like a princess." I giggled. I have never thought of myself looking beautiful or like a princess, but right now I have to admit I do look like a beautiful princess. I giggled again, and then I heard the door open and close. "What are we giggling about my beautiful daughter?'" smiled my mom, pushing my veil back.

"I was giggling because I look like a princess." I smiled, fixing my dress.

"You do, you look like a goddess." said Esme, I blushed.

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