Married To A Jerk: Negative Nelly and Surprise

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Twilight Saga. I just love to play around with them. Although, I do own (or will soon own) a brand new Honda Accord 2011! When I get my drive's license I'm going to enjoy riding around aimlessly in it.*

                                                                          -- Chapter 25 --

--- Bella ---

"Isabella Marie Swan!" Alice said struggling as she tried to get me to cooperate.

"Alice, I change my mind." I said, whining a bit. "Can we do this another time? When things aren't so insane." I tried reasoning with her but, she just shook her head and pouted. "I want to know if my best friend is having a baby. It's not my fault you got me all excited."

That's when I shot a glare in Lauren's direction. "No, it's Lauren's." Then I thought about it. Technically, it was my fault too but, I wasn't the one who pointed it out.
Lauren's face didn't falter. She just stared at me with a bored expression.

"Bella," Lauren sighed tiredly. "I didn't set up this appointment just to watch you complain and struggle with Alice. It'll only take thirty minutes tops. People are barely out today. It's too dull out. Please, come on." She pleaded.

I bit my lip. Did I want to know? Was I pregnant? With Edward's child? Although, that would make the happiest person in the world, but with all theses complicated events I don't think I can handle this. I can't even handle Marie. I've barely talked to her since the separation. I haven't called my parents to see how they were holding up with her either. If I couldn't handle her in this condition, what am I going to be like when I'm raging through a tough pregnancy with possibly no father to take care or help me? I would fall more apart than I already was.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Lauren's hand touch my shoulder. Her eyes were soft and kind.
"I know what you're thinking," she spoke softly, "but, you can do this. I understand that you really haven't been there for Marie but, she understands even though she doesn't know the truth." She smiled a bit. "Although, from what Alice has told me of your mother. I think she already knows and is taking it well." She paused. "Just don't focus on the negative side. Think about the life ahead of you when, not if, but when you get Edward, Marie, and your life back. Along with a new addition to the family." She said sweetly, placing her hand on my flat stomach.

I but my lip, looking down at my feet. She was right. I cannot focus on the negative. Karma is a bitch. Tanya will get what she deserves.

I nodded my head slowly before stepping out of the car.
"Alright, lets go." I said before a smile spread across my face. "We got a baby to find. But, if anyone touches my lady parts I'm running out screaming rape at the top of my lungs."


Here we sat in the doctors office I was now newly admitted to. We didn't want to risk the chance of Tanya catching us if we went to the other one. I sat my seat uncomfortable at the smiles and stares I was getting from Alice. She only did that when she knew someone wonderful or exciting was going to happen. It creeped me out. I just played with my hands till the nurse called me in.

"Isabella Cullen?" A nurse called from across the room.
Confused as to why they had used Edward's surname, I looked over at Lauren.
"It's your name." She said simply, shrugging before turning back to her magazine. I shook it off and walked to the nurse, following behind her as she led me to a room.

She shut the door and look down at some files.
"Okay, Isabella." She sighed. "You're here for a pregnancy test, am I correct?"
I nodded.
"How long ago was your last period?"
I shrugged, "About five weeks ago I guess."
She nodded writing down notes. "Any change in appetite, urinal flow, upset stomach, weight gain?..."
"Yes for all."
She nodded once more before opening one of the cabinets and taking out a small plastic orange container/cup.
"Pee in this cup and you're answers will soon be answered. The bathroom is at the end of the hall to your left." I nodded and walked out the room, following the nurses directions.

I did what I had to and went back into the room.
I handed her the cup and she quickly left saying that she's be back in a few minutes with the results.
I sat on the bed, playing with my pale fingers. I felt so tired. I mean, who wouldn't be after all that has happened? And the fact that I might be pregnant is draining too. I don't know how I sleep at night knowing that in a few days I could possibly lose the man I love.

Oh, hush Isabella, my conscious scolded me. Stop being such a Negative Nelly. Negatively gets you no where. Just be happy that you have a man that loves you, a little girl who adores you, two friends willing to do anything in their power to make you happy again and a life to live.

I was startled by a soft knock on the door. The door cracked open a bit and Lauren's head stuck in.
"Hey," she smiled weakly. "You mind if I stay here? Alice is freaking me out with the smiling and staring."
I laughed a bit and nodded. She smiled and walked inside, closing the door behind her. She took a seat in on the two chairs that were aligned against the wall.
"So..." Lauren said nervously trying to make conversation but, I was too nervous to speak.

I bit my lip in anticipation. In my head the idea of me being bloated and pregnant never occurred to me. I mean, I knew I was going to get married someday but, not at eighteen in an arranged marriage. And certainly, I never thought I would fall in love with Edward Cullen or possibly be holding his unborn baby in my womb right now. Life takes a turn in the unexpected, doesn't it? I laughed at myself at the irony causing Lauren to give me a confused look. I just ignored it, knowing that it wouldn't be as funny as to her as it was to me, if it was even funny at all.

It's weird how life always takes a turn in the unexpected. First, I fall in love with Edward Cullen, the person I had hated. Then, I become best friends with someone from Tanya's crew. And then, find out I might be pregnant with the man I had hated so many months before.

I banished my thoughts when the door opened a second time, this time revealing the earlier nurse. She smiled at me, her blue eyes twinkling. The look on her face made me gasp. I knew the answer to my unspoken question.

"Congratulations Mrs. Cullen. You are pregnant." 

--- Short, I know. But, I'm in photography class right now. I should be focusing on my pictures right now, but I still need to finish taking the pictures off the rest of the requirements. Now, please feed me with your votes and comments. Lunch is next but, I need something to suffice till class is over. This is what I get for wanting more sleep, a hungry stomach. But, my friend Rachel is keeping me entertained till we can eat. Thanks, Ray :) Now, if you excuse me. I must continue not to do my photography work and work on my English essay. Another reason why I love my photo teacher. That she doesn't care about what we do during her class :) Vote. Comment. And read my new story? 

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