Married to a Jerk: Chapter Twenty-Nine - Caught

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Disclaimer: We all know I’m awesome and we know Stephanie Meyer is not awesome like me. I’m the fun and crazy awesome. And we also know that I (sadly) do not own the Twilight rights.


Married to a Jerk: Chapter Twenty-Nine - Caught

My eyes widen in fear and every muscle is my body froze in fear. I was caught.

"Freeze," said the intruder in a authoritative voice.

I had the urge to say 'Everybody clap your hands' but, I thought against it. It could get me in more trouble if I acted like an immature child.

"Now clap your hands and do the chicken dance," the voice joked. Hey...wait a minute...

Quickly turning around to fast for the intruders’ eyes, I face him and come to meet a pair of emerald eyes.

"Edward!" I yelled. "You scared the crap out of me!" I punched his bicep in repent.

"Sorry, I just wanted to have some fun." he pouted, rubbing his bicep. "Damn, you've got a hard punch."

I smiled brightly. "Good, shows that you don't mess with me. You may pass that one to Tanya."

He laughed. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I believe the question is what are you doing here?" I retorted. "I thought I told you I was going to do the job."

"I asked you first!" He said back immaturely.

I rolled my eyes. "Ladies first."

"You know guys only do that to check out a girl’s ass. I would know." he winked which earned him another smack.

"Stop hitting me!"

"I will when you stop being an idiot."

"You know that's not a very nice thing to say to the man you love." He said moving closer and wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Whatever," I pulled away from his hold and got the file once again. "You may leave. I got this under control." I moved to the copier and looked over the buttons. Now, how do I work this thing?

To show Edward I knew what I was doing, I pressed a random button and placed the paper inside.

Next I knew I was punching the machine because it wasn't making copies.

"Stupid technology, why must you be so complicated?" I complained.

Behind me I heard quiet laughter. I spun my head around and gave Edward a hard glare. "Shut up." I snapped.

His laughter ceased but, he was still shaking with laughter. Throwing him another hard glare, he stopped.

He shook his head and moved to stand behind me.

"Babe, you have to punch in the number of copies first and then press start." he explained, doing exactly what he said. A green light scanned the paper then a white piece of paper popped out of the copier. "See, easy." he smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "I knew that. I was checking if you knew." A nervous laugh escaped my lips.

"Sure," he said sarcastically.

"Whatever," I repeated, grabbing the copied paper and putting the original back in the file and putting the file back in its place.

With a smile, I looked at my handsome lover. "I'm done. I'll be seeing you at the wedding." I saluted my goodbye and turned to leave. But, Edward's hand caught my wrist before I could make it to the door.

"Aren't you going to look at the results?" he asked.

I shook my head. I remember what Lauren said in the car before I started to complain. Don't tell Edward the results. Her voice said. He could let it slip when he's in anger.

"I gotta go. I have to get back to Marie." I quickly made up.

Edward's brows furred. "I thought Marie was with your parents?"

"I, uh, she's calling me today. I need to get back to Lauren's before six!" I quickly said before tearing my wrist out of his hold and running out the door.

Power walking, I made it to the front desk without trailing Edward behind me. I threw the receptionist in the front desk the keys and ran out with Lauren and Alice behind me.

We jumped into the car quickly and rode off before Edward could come out to look for me.

When we were at least a mile away, I fell back into the back seat with a sigh.

"Did you get the results?" Alice asked. I nodded and showed her the paper in my hands.

"Well, read it." Lauren ordered. "Who’s the father? Is it really Edward's?"

I lifted the paper up to my eyes and looked at the paper in shock. No...

--- Oh my god. This is short chapter (I already know) and I wrote this a few minutes. Then I had to go to Sunday school so I couldn’t update this morning. Just so you know you’ll have to wait till next weekend or later in the beginning of next month cause the first marking period is ending on Friday and I have to have good grades to get a new phone because my phone now sucks. Lol, weird how I have some of my fan’s numbers XD I’m that close to my fans. I love you guys like that – as in friends. Now I must go finish my Biology homework. Yay, textbook work and FIVE pages of it too. Awesome -_-

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