Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: All belongs to SM!

*Chapter 9*


Edward is being nice. Whoa! Did that alcohol mess with his brain or something? Did he mean the things he said? Does he love me? Should I ask? No, he'll think you've gone crazy. Do I love him back? I think I do. Eep! I think I love Edward Cullen! No! You know you love him! Oh no, I love two guys at the same time! This is bad.

"Mommy, I want to try this dress." said Marie, tugging on my dress.

"Oh, sorry, sweetie I can't. Go ask daddy." I said getting my phone out of my pocket to call Rose and Alice to help me shop.

"I don't know where he is."

"Okay, let's go find him." I grabbed her hand, and tried to find Edward.

I found him in the suit section talking to someone on the phone. I was about to walk over, but something caught Marie's eye and she went running off.

"Marie wait!" I yelled.

"Dude, I think I love her." I heard Edward say to the person on the phone.

Love? Who does he love? Tanya? No wait he broke up with her. Who is this girl he's in love with?

"Just tell her. Maybe she feels the same way?" I heard the other person on the line say, it's sounded like Jasper.

"What if she doesn't? I'll make a total fool out of myself."

"That wouldn't be a first." Jasper laughed. I snickered, and hid behind a rack of suits.

"Shut up, and help me."

"Okay, well I have a feeling you've been mean to her."

"I was for the first few days."

"Well you have to show her that you have a good side. Which I think will be really hard, let just face it you're the meanest person she's ever met."

"You're not helping."

"Okay, okay, calm down. What if you took her to a movie?"

"Okay, I'll try that."

"Maybe take her out to dinner."

"Okay, but what about the baby?"

"Let me and Alice do the babysitting."

"You and your shop crazed girlfriend? Alone with her? I don't think so."

"Come on dude! I promise we'll be good!"

"Okay, fine. Oh, and thanks for help me with this dude, without you help I would never have had the guts to tell Bella I love her.'" What? He loves me! Oh my gosh, he was telling the truth! I can't believe this!

"Eep." I squealed, and then quickly cover my mouth with my hands. Edward looked over; when he didn't see anything (which I hope he didn't) he went back to Jasper.

"Well, Jazz I gotta go, talk to you later."

Okay, bye and remember I'm here for you, even though you're the most stupidest cousin I have oh, wait you're the only cousin I have!" Jasper laughed.

"Whatever, bye." Edward laughed.

"Bye." He hung up and went though the suits. Okay, Bella you can stop hiding now. I uncovered my mouth and stood up.

"Hey, Edward," I smiled walking up to him.

"O-oh, hey B-Bella." He smiled nervously.

"Hey Edward, what are you doing?"

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