Married To a Jerk: Part Two

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Disclaimer: Plot belongs to me. Characters belong to SM.

Chapter: Married To a Jerk: Part Two


When I walked out the door and into the waiting room, I was bombarded with questions from the tiny pixie.

“Well, are you pregnant? Am I going to be a aunt or god-mother? Oh my god, is it a boy or girl?” She waved her last question away. “Doesn’t matter about the sex, can I shop for clothes? I’m so going to spoil him or her. They will love me. I’ll be like Santa! Except of course, I’ll be skinnier, prettier, and have boobs. I can’t wait!” She squealed clapping her hands. An old shushed Alice bitterly. Alice shut her mouth and blushed, muttering an apology.

I laughed. “Alice, we’ll continue this in the car. This is not the place.” She nodded and skipped out to the car. Lauren and I exchanged looks, thinking the same thing. Alice is insane.

We jumped into the car. I sat in the back while Alice and Lauren sat in the front. As Lauren pulled out the lot, Alice kept talking about nonsense. Laid back against my seat and closed my eyes, sighing.

“Bella, are you listening?!” Alice suddenly yelled making me jump up. I tilt my head and furring my brows, “You were talking to me?”

“Of course, you are the only Bella I know!” I sighed and rubbing my forehead as a headache started to form.

“Alice, stop.” Lauren scolded. “Bella’s tired. She’s being under too much stress.”

Alice pouted but, didn’t continue with her rant. I was about to close my eyes when I felt my phone vibrate in my pant pocket. Slowly, I took it out and looked at the Caller I.D. It read, Home as in Edward’s home. I smiled as I answered the phone with a hello.

Instead of Edward’s sweet, loving voice, it was Tanya’s whiny voice.

“Hello, Isabella.” She sneered.

“What do you want?” I said, my annoyance growing.

“Isabella, don’t be so rude to Edward’s new wife.” She chastised. I rolled my eyes, “You’re not his wife yet.”

“Oh, but I will be.” I could hear the smile in her voice. “And you can’t do anything about it.”

We’ll see about that, I thought. “He doesn’t even love you.”

“That’s what you think.” She said, “Oh, Eddie! Could you come here for a second?” She called.

I heard shuffling and then Edward’s melodic voice, “Yes?”

“Could you tell dear Isabella who you really love?” I heard Tanya ask.

More shuffling and then Edward’s voice rang through my ears.

“Hello, Isabella.” He said. I smiled and greeted him back. But, my smile faded at his next words.

“I love her, not you.” Right there the world froze and the phone slipped out of my hands. In the distance, I heard Lauren’s voice but, it felt so far away.

My dry lips parted and I said with authority, “Stop the car now!”

---- Horrible, I know. But, I wanted to get something out there before you guys started nagging me again. It’s rushed so sorry. Just so you know, there is a story just like this on IT IS MINE. It’s just under a different username. I’m not lying. It is mine. On that site, it has been completed and is officially done but, it is not exactly the same as this one. This is the edited version, the other one sounded so childish when I read it over. The plot is the same but the scenes have been altered on here. The last chapter has been posted on there but, just so you know if you read on there it is not the same. Again, this is the edited version with altered scenes. Okay? Ahora, tiene una bonita dia! Till we read again. ---

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