Chapter 1: beca

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Beca never really enjoyed her life. Her parents died when she was 3 (so she's told) and ever since she's lived with her uncle and his third wife until she moved into a small apartment with her roommate Emily. they never really payed attention to her, but c'mon who would pay attention to a 22 year old who doesn't have a care in the world.

That's Beca


*Becas POV*

I was offered a job. through the mail. that's new, all the envelope says is.


Inside is a address and a passcode. I go back into my apartment and I'm greeted by my roommate emily, she's only 18. Not that that matters.

"Hey so I got a, weird letter" I tell her and she's quick to hop off the couch and approach me, "can I see it?" She asked gesturing her hand.

I give it so her and she's scans it over. quick. "doesn't look harmful" she says looking up, obviously it's just a letter. "you should go" she pops a peanut in her mouth and sits back on the couch.

I set the letter down on the coffee table and get a bag of chips; I plop down right beside emily. She smells like alcohol, "did you drink some of my beer?" I ask firm. She looks up and starts getting defensive "no! Why would I! I'm only 17, the fuck" [correction she's 17] she obviously drank my beer.

"I know you did, I'm not even mad that I wanted it but, your 17, Emily" I tell her trying to make her feel guilty. "can't study in physics if your drinking at this age" I re inform her, "yeah, I'm sorry" she's says. I give her a little smile, before I start on dinner.


*Authors POV*

Beca wakes up earlier than usual [7:58]. She makes her way to the kitchen to make breakfast; She feels hands glide across the sides of her waist and connect at the front. The persons lips soon enough meet her neck. Beca is quick to let out a moan, and after hearing the persons laugh, she soon realizes the she has no former lover.

Beca puts the spatula, (that she's been using to cook eggs for like 7 minutes) to the side and turns around. Emily. once she makes eye contact with her gay, roommate. Shes calm.

"Em stop and go sit down" emily either didn't hear beca or is ignoring her because, she starts to move her hand to becas nono-square. It doesn't take much for beca to grab emilys hand and throw it to the side. "No" Beca tells Emily and points to the couch, where emily soon enough goes and sits down.


There's been quite the silence in Emily and becas apartment. "sorry you know, about earlier" Emily says with a mouth full of toast, "don't sweat it" Beca replies before eating her last bit of eggs and taking a sip of her orange juice.

"I decided to go to the thing" Beca tells emily, "the secret envelope thing?" Emily ask beca. "yeah, I'll be leaving soon" Beca says getting up and putting her plate in the sink, "make sure to clean up" Beca says before disappearing into her room.

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