Chapter 10: ice bucket

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(Becas POV)

The ice machine upstairs was broken so, I was forced to go downstairs and get some from the café.

"Hi can I have some ice, the machine upstairs broke" I ask the girl with blue hair, who looks annoyed. "yeah, just give me a minute" she says yanking the ice bucket out my hand.

I turn around and, no shit. Its the guy.

I proceed running towards him and he catches me at the last second. "you bitch" I knock into him, resulting in him laying in the floor holding his side. I sit on top of him and just go at it.

Punch after punch. Pretty sure I broke his nose, and jaw (I hope). I'm not able to finish because some cheap security guard pulls me off him.

"Lady lady, calm down!" he holds me back but I free myself, and hop right back on top of him.

Bam! Punch right to the face knocked him out. Everyone in the lobby is now staring at me, and the guy, but mostly me. I pull my shirt down and breath heavily. "what's wrong? Why would you do that!" The security guard says as he lays his hand on his holster.

"He fucking raped my-" I almost finished, but I remember Chloe saying we can't tell anyone. "he what?" The security guard ask; hand still on his holster.

I realize I can't do anything but just leave, and not say anything. I start towards the hotel elevator, but I remember Chloe's ice.

I proceed back to the lobby, where everyone still stands; Frightened at what they just saw. I flinch at one of the guys and he gasp and runs away. I get Chloe's ice bucket and go back to my room.


Good thing I sobered up a bit before reaching the room.

"The hell took so long" Chloe ask me, while she's laying on the bed looking like she's about to give birth. I bite the side of my cheek holding back a laugh. "Just a little altercation that's all" I tell her hiding my bloody knuckles.

"Do you want help with the ice?" I ask her, hoping she would say no; It was one of those questions that you ask, just to be nice hoping they don't take you up on it.

"Yeah actually" she says flopping back into the bed. I grab a towel from the bathroom and rap a couple cubes in it. I sit next to her and press it gently on one of her bruises.

She clenches her teeth together and grabs the bed sheets. I hold the ice on her inner thigh for a while. I firgure she tried to break free so she's probably a little sweaty. "I think you better take a bath" I recommend and she's still clenching in pain. "okay" she slowly gets up and I help.

"Your gonna help me" she says, not even thinking, maybe I don't want to. I can't help but just say yes, poor chloe. I've never seen this side of her; vulnerable.

We both stand in the bathroom as she starts to undress. I'm not one to stare but, her body is worth it. I've never seen someone who has perfect curves. Perfect legs, perfect everything.

"Okay, ready" she interrupts my stare as she enters the warm pool of water. I sit down next to her. "you don't have to help if you don't want to" Chloe says playing with her hands and looking into my eyes.

"God your beautiful" I spill. Shit. Her eyes stay put on mine and she doesn't say a word.

"Sorry" I say grabbing a towel. "don't be" she smiles. I start to wash her body from throat to bottom. "you can do your- you know area, I don't want to hurt you." I tell her handing over the towel.


(Chloe's POV)

I've been in the tub for about 15 minutes. All beca is doing, is staring at my body. "Chloe" beca says out of the blue and it distracts me from my thoughts. "yeah, what is it?" I say looking at her lips.

"I'm sorry I stormed out. if I didn't you wouldn't of-" I could hear Becas voice crack, "- gotten raped. I'm so sorry" she's now on the verge of crying. "hey hey, no it's fine" I say holding her hand. I stand up in the bath tub, my bare body stand there.

"I just feel like-" beca stops talking when she turns around. "I uh" beca continues to stare at my body. "towel?" I laugh a bit saying to her. "oh right yeah" she rubs her eyes and hands me the towel, exiting the bathroom rapidly.

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