Chapter 22 - why beca

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Today was the last day; last day Beca and Chloe would see each other for a long time, maybe never again. Neither one of them wanted to think about it but they knew. They knew today, was the day they go back; back to there old life's.

Beca and Chloe were packing up and neither one of them of them talked, no one let a word spill from there lips. They were silent. Not a peep.

They figured they'd just talk at the wedding and go on from there. You know, no more drinking no more, late night sex, no more showers together no more arguments no more 1 am pizza, no more Beca... No more Chloe.

That was the hardest part; letting go. Everyone has to let something go in their life time. It's life. This was hard on both of them, even if they didn't want to admit it. Chloe would occasionally stare at Beca and Beca would do the same.

Sometimes they would catch each other and quickly turn around; not wanting to spark any emotions. They knew they had to their goodbyes now because after the wedding there won't be any time.

Beca closed the trunk, slowly, trying to avoid getting her dress caught in a snag. Chloe on the other hand was dealing with the payments up front.

Beca watching chloe walk out the hotel, frustrated, tired... Lonely. Only mad her feel bad; bad because she was a dick. Their last night together was spent with an argument, 2 in fact.

Beca can't help but cry. She cried and cried and cried, tear after tear streamed down her face, some reached only her lips but other made it further. Beca seeing Chloe made her question everything she had done up to this point.

Why Beca? Why not some other elf brunette dumb enough to stay, why Beca. Beca could've been at home with Emily watching reruns of friends. But no, it was Beca...



"They said we can't pay until tomorrow" Chloe let her arms fall in frustration. She was to busy worrying about the payments she didn't even notice Beca. Still as a statute with tears falling from her eyes.

"Beca" is all Chloe manages to say as she walks closer.

All Beca can say is, "this is it" she wipes the tears off her face and stares back at Chloe.

"This is it" Chloe repeats, beca pulls Chloe into and embrace; holding her for quite sometime.

"Goodbye" Chloe says letting go of Chloe.

"Goodbye" Beca utters attempting to hold back her tears but they keep coming.

Beca had to think things through before leaving, because after this it's done. It's over. No more Chloe.

(Chloes POV)

Me and Beca decided it be best if, we stayed away from each other. Obviously not the best way to go our separate ways but it was a start. We would occasionally me up for a quick chat but that's it.

This had been our 5th meet-up and before we could separate again, we were greeted by some lesbians. One was perky and one looked laid back with a dash of perky.

"So how long have you two been together?" The tall blonde ask, "a month" I was quick to answer, not wanting to spend long on the conversation. "Nice" the other girl says.

"I'm Aubrey and this is my wife Stacie" the blonde shakes mine and Becas hands. "I'm Beca and this is my girlfriend-" I heard her voice crack, she started crying. Fuck were gonna blow our cover. "Sorry excuse me" I hold Beca and pull her to a vacant table.

As we walk "honey hey your gonna-" my tone quickly changes when we're far enough from the lesbians so they don't hear us. "- what the hell are you doing! Are you trying to blow our cover!" I practically yell in Becas ear.

She quickly stands up form the seat I put her in, "that's what your worried about? Our cover! Do you any idea what im going through right now. I'm heartbroken okay Chloe, I'm fucking heart broken. My heart is in itty bitty pieces right at this moment. So don't fucking yell at me for some damn cover."

Oh my gosh she's right, I've been so worried about the damn mission I forgot all about Beca; but I've come to far to stop now. I kneel down to look at her.

"Look were here, we're gonna finish this and we're gonna move on Beca. It's over no going back" I have to admit the truth to get her up. She walks away from me and without trying to make a scene I follow her over to the punch table.


(Becas POV)

Some uppity gay couple questioned, me and Chloes relationship which, Chloe being the smart ass she is, she snapped and went off.

Making us break out into a gun fight. I was hoping the night would go smooth but because of that I was now behind some table, coved in punch and Chloe layed down behind the table beside mine.

It wasn't until I took a 3rd glance to see blood pouring from her side. "Chloe!" I whispered loudly. No answer, fuck.

I quickly ran over dodging some bullets. I panicked once I reached her. She was gasping for air; blood coming out her mouth. "Chloe fuck are you okay?" Im not sure what to do, I've never encountered with a situation like this.

Maybe kissing her would work, so I did that; did not work well, she gagged a mouthful of blood into my mouth. I held my hand against her wounds to try and stop the blood from falling.

I layed there with a helpless chloe, I'm my arms for 6 minutes. Hope came when I saw Richard barge in.

"C'mon Chloe your gonna be okay" I pick her up with all my might and carry her outside. A couple groans came from her but that was it.


Chloe died at the hospital before they preformed surgery. They wouldn't let me be in there to say goodbye.

The last thing I said to chloe was an argument, was that all we could say to each other? We spoke argument.

and now I owe the hospital about 300 dollars for a hole in the wall.

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