Chapter 20: the pool

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(Becas POV)

Shortly after I put Chloe to bed, I dialed up chase; break the news to him. Before actually pressing the call button, I had to think about this- you know Chloe.

Do I really love her or was that just a wave of emotion I felt because she was going to end her life. I then over thank my thinking, "what ifs" came about. This is stupid, of course I love her. I pressed hard on the call button.

"Hey, it's chase leave a message" hearing his voice was shivering. Yeah who would answer there phone at 1 am.

"Hey chase, Chloes fine but- I, we can't be together. I know we didn't officially start dating but, I can't I have to look after Chloe. Bye"

I hung up and set my phone down.


(Chloes POV)

Waking up to no beca in the room was a surprise, she's usual up and at it before me.

I thought I was alone, that was until I felt a figure move beside me. I screeched; loud. "Ah what!!?" Beca came up taking way to many breaths. "Beca, why are you in the bed with me?" Ever since we've been here, neither of us have slept together in the bed.

"I was sleeping" Beca said flipping her pillow over and laying back down. She layed; face to face with me. She stared into my eyes and I stared back, I wasn't too sure what was going on but I had a good feeling about it.

She pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek, pulling me in for a kiss. "Ooo someone's happy" I said after breaking the kiss, earning a grin from Beca.

I buried my face deep in her neck and layed there, for a while. "So I got a email form Richard..." Beca orated while getting out the bed, "and" I helped her carry on with what she began to say.

"And- he said we have the last week off" Beca ceased her folding to give me a hug. "I've never seen you be this touchy" I giggled as I pushed myself into the backboard of the bed.

Beca smirked whilst walking towards me; kissing real close to my jaw bone. "Just wait" she quirked leaving me in shivers, while she went on to change.


Finally; for once, me and Beca didn't spend the whole evening bickering and going at it. We ended up going swimming.

"I was thinking tonight we could-" Becas sentence was cut short by some cocky frat boys. "Hey your sexy" one of the guys grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close; I could feel his growing erection on my thigh.

Beca just stood there and watched, I assume she wants me to handle this. "Not interested" I pushed him off and moved closer to Beca, I grabbed her hand. "Oh, I didn't even know I apologize" the guy said after realizing me and Beca were a thing.

"You guys wanna play a kissing game?" All of them grinned in sync, "not if, we have to kiss one of you dweebs" Beca finally spoke up after staying as silent as a rock. "Well we can't can't promise anything, we'll explain the rules over here."

The guy winked trailing me and Beca over to a party where like, 3 girls stand and 6 other guys.

"This is how the game works; one person will suck in the card bringing it over to the persons next to them, mouth. That say person will then suck at the card to take it and move it along to the next person."

Oh I've heard of this game; I made sure to stand by Beca.

The card made its way around to be and when she twirled around to meet my face, she purposely dropped the card; and smirked. I waisted no time; I pulled her by her side, into a kiss.

There was chanting all around, I advanced my hands past her red cheeks and behind her head, deepening the kiss; tugging at her hair a bit. When she broke the kiss, we both ogled each others eyes.

Not to long after we both ran and jumped into the pool, followed by like 15 other people.

I pulled Beca in for another kiss before swimming towards the slides.

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