Chapter 17: chase

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(Becas POV)

Last thing I remember from last night was, some dude; that's about it.

I'm wasn't sure I was in my hotel room until, I saw Chloe on my computer.


I rub my eyes, "Chloe!" She spins her head around closing the computer in a swift movement, "hey look who's up!" She try's to hug me, forgetting what she was just doing.

"What were you doing? On my computer?" I frown as she plays with her fingers. I'll just have to find out for myself, I walk towards the computer until she stops me.

"I can explain" she does her best to hold me back but she fails, I make my way over as open the computer.

After scanning through everything I shout "Are you serious!?" I'm beyond shocked; what I saw on that screen was unexplainable. "Beca I know it looks bad but-" "looks bad!" I cut her off, "it is bad!"

I read about 3 pages of what she was writing before I spoke again, "Chloe... This is bad" I turned back saying to her; she has her head down in disappointment. "It's just sexual fantasies, it's not that bad" she held herself up.

"But Chloe; c'mon me fingering you on a Ferris wheel, us making out behind a bar" I now had my full attention on the screen, scrolling down to the second, to last page "and this one, me eating you out in a theater. You know that's illegal right?"

It was a hypothetical question, but that's not the point. "That's why there fantasies, beca" Chloe mumbles, but why write them on my computer. It's like she wanted me to see them.

"Well why write them on my computer?" She didn't answer, I knew I had to stop this before it got out of hand. "Chloe." I pulled her over so she could sit on my lap.

"This needs to stop, now. I don't want this getting out of hand." I let her sit there for a while before I got up and let her move to the bed, "I'm going to the cafe, want anything?" I pause, asking her before I exit the room.

"No I'm fine" she sniffles and rubs her face. I don't wanna hurt Chloe, but it will be best for both of us.


"Yeah can I have a medium Carmel frap and a cake pop" I tell the lady working at the counter, "that will be 8.92" she says chewing her gum loudly. I give her a ten and let her keep the change.

When I turn around I bump into someone, "sorry" I look up to see a familiar face. "Hey, beca right?" The guy ask, how does he know my name. "Hi, how do you know my name?" I'm actually not that freaked out.

"Oh you past out at the bar last night and I found your hotel room from your key card, your friend took you." Okay, at least I know nothing happened. "My names chase, I gave your friend my number for you to call me" he says, I don't remember seeing a number anywhere.

"If you did I don't know-" I pause, Chloe must of hid it or something. "My friend has a crush on my so she must've gotten rid of it" I laugh at that as we sit down together.

"So tell me about yourself beca" he smiles holding his coffee, "well-" "beca" one of the lady calls.


"My parents died when I was 3, I'm not sure how but yeah." I reveal to chase, "mine died when I was one" we both awkwardly laugh. My phone buzzes.

Chloe: we need to leave soon.

Beca: for what?

Chloe: we have a wedding dress appointment.

Beca: oh yeah okay be right up

"Who's that" chase ask, taking his last sip of coffee, "it's my friend Chloe, we have to go somewhere soon." I start grabbing all my things. "Wanna walk me to my room?" "Sure!" Chase gathers all his things and heads to the elevator with me.


"This is me" I say before chase has his head over me. "Okay, here's my number" he hands me a slip of paper, I make sure to protect this one from Chloe. I'm now staring in his eyes, those hazel eyes. He leans in I do too, and we kiss.

It was for a while, until the door opened, "oh hi beca" Chloe says closing the door. "Chloe this is chase, chase this is Chloe" I introduce them pressing my lips together, but Chloe doesn't seem to care. I can feel Chloe tensing up. "Alright give me a call later" chase says as he walks away.

Me and Chloe go the other direction towards the elevator. Soon as we get in there I'm immediately pushed against the wall, "Chloe what the fuck!" I try to get her off me but it's no use. She grabs my waist and kisses my neck, a moan escapes my mouth but that's just instinct.

"Chloe stop!" I have to be harsh this time when pushing her. She stands in the corner for the rest of the elevator ride.

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