Chapter 5: Flights ✈️

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"We leave tonight at 8 am sharp. We will arrive in Paris tommorow morning, at 7. any questions?" Chloe tells Beca with a stern voice. "Yeah cool whatever, can we get some snacks for the flight?" Beca ask stuffing her flower luggage in the trunk.

"Your joking right?" Chloe ask frowning her face and eyebrows, "nope" Beca says plopping herself in the drivers seat, and looking over at chloe. "not one bit" Beca smiles and starts the car. Chloe folds her arms; upset.

Before Beca pulls off, "where to?" She ask Chloe. "go back to headquarters" she says straightening how she's sitting. Beca pulls off without hesitation.


Beca puts in the key to their hotel room. when she walks in she's surprised to see only one bed. "I thought you ordered two?" Beca ask before letting Chloe pass the doorway. "I did... what's the probl-?" Chloe takes a huge gasp before holding her mouth.

"Okay um, no biggie I'll just go back down and ask for a new room." Chloe says throwing her bags down and proceeding to leave the room. "no can do, he said we got the last room." Beca reminds chloe, she turns around with blood red cheeks. "you didn't even listen to him did you?" Beca says squinting her eyes.

"Of course I did" Chloe says in defense, "did you remember him saying that the room goes below a 7 degree celsius after 9?" Beca teases chloe. "haha very funny, just start unpacking." Chloe tells Beca as she starts unzipping her bag.


*Chloes POV*

I haven't looked over at Beca for a while, mostly because I don't really care what she's doing. I just wanna enjoy this vacation to the best of my ability.

After I remove myself from the bathroom; folding all the towels. "hey I was thinking we co-" I look up to see Beca wearing only, a bra and panties.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as I feel my cheeks going red. "I'm changing... what are you doing?" Beca ask putting a shirt covering up the first half of her body. "I was uh-" I can't finish my sentence; I can't stop staring at her.

"You were what?" Beca ask, finally putting on some pants. "I was folding the towels." She laughs and then jumps on the bed, leaving me to sit in the chair.


"So we have a week for vacation, and then we have to start working." I tell Beca breaking her thoughts. "oh cool." she pauses for a minute before asking me "you wanna go swimming?" she gets up and starts, discarding her clothes onto the floor.

"Yeah sure" I tell her and, she's now stripped back to her bra and panties. I'm staring uncontrollably bitting my lip, "you though I was going to strip naked in front of you?" She ask standing in a 'model' position. "no I was just-" she cuts me off "good. I'll put in my bikini on in the bathroom and you can change out here." She gives me a little smile and leaves to the bathroom.


"Nice bathing suit" she says to me. before grabbing a towel and leaving the room. "wait up!" I tell her, now I guess i know what it feels like when she had to follow me.

We arrive at the pool and there's not many people there, just like two groups of frat boys, and like 4 old lady's doing water aerobics. The usual. "can you do any tricks in the pool?" Beca ask, gathering water in her mouth and spitting it in my face.

"What the hell!" I say pushing her away. she grabs me by my waist and pulls me close to her face. "c'mon don't be a downer have fun" she says smiling and swimming away. I follow her over to the slides. "loser has to pay for food tonight." Beca tells me.

"You're on!" I say smirking at her. we're both holding onto the bar. the blonde kid shouts,

"Ready!" He glances at Botha Beca and i.

"Set!" He positions his whistle in his mouth.

"Go!" He blows the whistle and me and Beca take off.

I didn't notice until we took off that my slide was longer than hers, so when I reached the bottom she was there to greet me. I ended up landing on her and she came up holding me.

Once were done laughing we're both looking into each other's eyes. Her night sky orbs are beautiful. "so um wanna head back to the pool?" Beca says breaking eye contact and letting go of me. I didn't get a chance to answer before she took off.

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