Chapter 6: the kiss

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(Beca's POV)

These past two days have been hectic, I mean for me. Chloe will go out drinking and bring a guy home, and since we have only one bed, (even if we had two I wouldn't just sit there) I'm forced to make him leave. Which results in ME having to deal with drunk chloe.

Don't get me wrong drunk Chloe is better than any chloe, she's more of a calm person.


Tonight's different. Chloe brung some random dude over and instead of me having him leave she asked me to 'go occupy yourself for a couple hours', which is bizarre because what am I suppose to do at 2 am on a Tuesday.

I then sigh getting up, putting on my black boots and a red leather jacket. I give him a glance before exiting our hotel room.

About halfway down the hall I realized I didn't have my phone, so I go back to the door and hit it a couple times "Chloe" I call out. I soon hear 'no's and 'please stop'.

"This is not fucking happening" I say to myself. I hit the door again but this time harder "Chloe!" The screams get louder. this leads me to one thing.

Kick down the door.


I see him holding her down already positioned at her crotch, "dude" I saw pushing him off her knocking him on the fool. I'm quick to hop on top of him and give him 3 blows to the jaw.

He's scared as day and I don't even have to say anything for him to run out, covering his genital.

"Couldn't of come quicker" Chloe says to me rolling her eyes. Is she fucking serious, "are you ducking kidding me? I just saved you from being rape, and you're mad because I was late?" I say holding my arms out as she covers her body with the covers.

I can tell she's slowly realizing what she said. "sorry" she says and I don't give her an okay, instead I just hand her some clothes to put on and I sit down.


So this has been a though of mine for a bit; Chloe and I are staging as a gay couple. Couples kiss.

"Hey Chloe" I say holding my hands together and blowing on them. "what" she says sitting up. "if we're posing as a couple, aren't people going to be hazy if we dont..... kiss" after saying that I can see, clear as day she's blushing.

"Well no" she says hiding her red cheeks. "yeah they are" I say getting up and sitting next to her. I'm not trying to come onto her but it seems like she thinks I am. "no because I'm not going to kiss you" she snaps at me folding her arms.

"Look I still don't clearly know what I'm doing but, I'm willing to do this so I can get home" I tell her. she eventually agrees. "but no touching! Just a peck." She says holding a finger up to my face.

"Fine by me" I say and we start leaning in. Both of us eyes still wide open. "you gonna close your eyes?" Chloe says as were literally half a centimeter away from each other. "You first" I tell her and she closes her eyes, I soon after close mine.

Our lips lock and it's suppose to be a peck but she cups my cheek, I pull away. "what was that?" I say wiping my lips. She looks at me confused, "you said no touching" I remind her and she stands defenseless. She still remains quiet. "that's what I thought"

I say before grabbing a pillow and blanket; sleeping on the couch.

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