Chapter 23 - chloe (final chapter)

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(Becas POV)

My plan ride home was miserable and to top that, the stewardess was negligent the whole flight. I couldn't even ask for peanuts without her going off on me. I just shrugged that off, same thing with the crying baby and the old man next to me who will not for the life of him stop talking about WW1.

I get it already, without you I wouldn't be here blah blah blah, I'd probably have a better flight if Chloe was here.

Oh wait.

I just- Chloe. This strikes up quite the emotion, never did I think she would be a thought of mine for a while. Damn, now I'm on a plane 30,000 feet high and all I wanna do is jump out of it.


"I love you so much Chloe" I tell her grasping ahold of her red cheeks "I love you too Beca" she holds my face and leans in, I follow up and we kiss for a solid 5 seconds. She pulls away and her face starts to fade.




Some purple haired girl is tapping my shoulder, "we landed" she says planting a smile and walking off. It was just a dream, they always are.


I was kinda scared to come home. I haven't seen Emily in a month. Who knows what happened in that time range. "Beca your home!" Emily springs up from the couch pulling me into a hug, I'm surprised I don't smell any beer.

"Why don't I smell beer?" I sneer at Emily as she rolls her eyes. "been sober for 3 and a half weeks" em reveals, that wasn't to long after I left.

"I'm proud of you Em. Did you cook?"  It was worth a try considering I'm the one who cooks. "No" there's a pause, "but I did order take out, enjoy" she hands over a little carton, containing chow mien and rice. We sat down on the couch together, and just as I expected, a marathon of friends reruns was starting.


"I'm going to bed, I had fun" Emily says as she removed herself from the living room, just leaving me and my computer.

I'm trying to clear space for a new mix I wanna work on, I come across a folder named


I was gonna trash it until, I accidentally double click and opened it. I was hesitant to read it but I continued with it.

"Beca. Ah Beca, she can bring sunshine into anyone's world really. She's so talented; from arguing to downing three slices of pizza in 4 minutes. Okay maybe those aren't really talents in your eyes, but in mine, oh yeah. That would win my heart over anyday. Loving someone doesn't always mean holding hands, kissing, cuddling, all thee above. It's more than that. It's when your sitting on the one you love computers typing about them while their dead asleep. Love is when you care so much as to say "I would take a bullet for them" and you really mean it; in a heartbeat. Now being in love is a totally different story. It's when they make you cringed at the sight of them. You get heart pains from them doing anything. They meet your every desire., but you eventually have to tone them down because you know they will never feel the same-"

Oh no I can feel the waterworks coming.

"And you try your hardest every single day to please them but all you get in return is an argument or a remark. You worked so hard and that's all you get but your okay with it! Because you wouldn't rather be anywhere else than beside them at that very moment. Being in love means that you would do anything and everything to keep them happy, even if it means that you're not"

The last two words hit me hard.

   - Chloe"

I can't believe Chloe wrote this; is really all I can think right now. I'm definitely not trashing this.


Thank you all for reading!! I'm starting yet another story called "roommates" and I should have the first part posted tomorrow. Thank you all again for reading. Let me know what you thought of the story in the comments!! 💜💜💚💚💜💜

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