Chapter 19: i caught her

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A/n: so I didn't want to leave you all on a cliff hanger so, this part is short.

(Becas POV)

I wasn't going to let Chloe die; not like this.

I knew she was bound to jump off, it was just a matter of when, so-when I saw her sudden movement I was already ready to catch her.

And that's just what I did,

I caught her.

"Beca let go!" Chloe loosened the grip around my wrist, which made me have to tighten mine and my body was pressed more against the balcony railing. "No Chloe, I'm not letting go!" I took quick gasps and I held her up as much as I could.

She let her eyes flicker before they fully closed; letting her body lie lifeless over a hotel balcony. "Chloe!" I call but she remains still. "Chloe look at me, just look at me please!" It's becoming more and more difficult to hold her up.

She opens her eyes "Chloe, I love you" I confess.

it's true. I do love Chloe. I just didn't wanna get caught up in something that I didn't think was real, I was stupid to let this go one and just act like everything's fine. Look at Chloe, she's dang there lifeless hanging from my grip.

"Chloe open your eyes!" Chloes eyes slowly opened and before she closed them, i explained myself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for being a dick I can't say it enough, but I'm in love, God dammit I'm in love with your eyes your hair your body, your personally your being! I just- I'm sorry Chloe please"

She stared into my eyes; slowly tightening her grip back around my wrist. I pulled her up and over and layed her body on the hot floor.

I don't why I was so stupid to let Chloe just do this to herself. "Chloe I-I, love you" I stumbled over my words. She stared into my eyes with shock and fear and probably 10 different other emotions.

She feel sleep not to long after, and I kissed her forehead before picking her up and laying her in the bed.

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