Chapter 1: Pyramid Over Yonder

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Chapter 1: Pyramid Over Under

I was back for another season at last. Get ready world tour, I'm here to win it for real this time. And this time, it's with Alejandro. I couldn't wait to see how things turned out. To see if one of us could win? Hell yeah. I wouldn't let the money get between us, hell no. Alejandro is much more important than that. Even if a million bucks is on the line. I'm sure he felt the exact same. Most of the girls though we're already giving him and I odd looks. Oops, I better tell them that it's me Erin.

But would they believe me? I look so different! Everything about me was different. My physique was more in shape and thinner with muscle gain. I've changed my hair color and a bit of my appearance. My skin was a bit darker but still very natural thanks to the heat in Spain with all the dry weather and bright sunlight beaming down on my skin. It was like I was a complete different person.

It was like there was three new people to the additional cast of the show: Alejandro, that weird Sierra girl, and then there's me. Nadette. I might as well go along with my character, just to see how far things go.

I only rested my head on Alejandro's shoulder with my arms wrapped around his bicep as I waited patiently for the bus to arrive at our destination. Once it did, we were all handed out backpacks. I had a red one, like the rest of the girls. The guys had blue backpacks.

Everyone was heading out a few at a time as Chris introduced us live on television. Everyone headed out till it was only Sierra, Alejandro, and me.

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors!" Chris laughed. Yeah, ha ha. New. Me. "He's an honor-roll student with a diplomat of a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species, Alejandro! But careful ladies, he has a girlfriend that will rip you up to pieces if you touch him."

I smirked as I crossed my arms. Thank you, Chris, for putting that out there. Alejandro walked off and Sierra went after him.

"And she's a sugar addicted super fan with seventeen Total Drama blogs! Sierra!" Chris said and she walked out.

"And last but certainly not least, the good girl gone terribly bad. She may look totally innocent, but she'll break your heart in a matter of seconds! Literally! It's Nadette!" Chris said and I hopped down from the bus. I sighed. Might as well role play.

I smirked to everyone as I winked at a few boys. I strutted away from everyone as I made my way to Alejandro, wrapping my arms around him and kissing his check to indicate to all the girls that he was only mine.

Then a rusty old plane came rolling towards us that made a loud dangerous squeaking noise that made me nervous. Are we seriously going in that? In the air? That cannot be stable.

"Excuse me, but I'd like to express some concern about the safety of our plane." Courtney said.

"Relax, it's perfectly safe!" Chris said. A part of the plane fell off and a raccoon scampered out. Yeah, safe.

"No, I can't ride in that!" Owen shouted. "Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! I'm not doing this! I'm out! This is unethical!" Chris walked over to him with a frying pan and knocked him out. "Mommy. . ."

"Anyone else got a problem with it?" Chris asked.

"Nope!" Cody said.

"Love it!" said Lindsay.

"Dibs on window seat!" Bridgett said.

"Let's get flying!" I said.

"Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones!" Chris said. "We're saving you a first class seat for all the action! Right here on Total! Drama! Woooorld Touuur!" Chris sang the last part.

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