Chapter 19: Egg Hunt

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Chapter 19: Egg Hunt

"Nadette, will you please just talk to me."

"No!" I said rudely.

"Please, just -"

"Get the hell away from me! I don't want you near me anymore! I can't trust you!" I shouted as I stormed away. Why can't he just leave me alone? Make out with Heather for all I care!

Well, actually. . . That's just it, I do care.

It's just him that I don't want to get hurt again. Not anymore. I'm too much in pain to get conflicted with that again. No way. Not for me. I don't think so.

Once the plane landed, we all got out and prepared for the worst of today's horrific challenge awaited by Chris. Right now, I just wanted to go home. I didn't care about the stupid prize money anymore. I just wanted my bed.

"E-or-ranah!" Chris said. He was only wearing a cloth. Ew.

"Wow, Chris. You've been working out." Sierra said. Uh, gag.

"And welcome to Easter Island! Aka, Rapa Nui. This place is old." Chris said. "These dudes were carved so long ago, nobody even remembers why anymore. Ten bucks says it started on a dare."

"Twenty bucks says get on with it." Heather said.

"Yeah. Today, you, our final five, are going on a traditional Easter Island egg hunt." Chris said.

"For chocolate Easter eggs?" Cody asked thrilled.

"Uh no. I'm talking about the old school kind of eggs." Chris said. "That comes from birds. You know, those flying things with feathers and talons and vicious kill you in a second beaks?" We all gasped.

"Speaking of which, traditional Rapa Nui feather head dressers." Chris said as he threw ours. Heather got a red one. I got a pink one.

/"Out of all the colors in the universe, I got pink! Ugh! Why! It's such a stupid, pointless color. Why not orange? Or brown? Or even black!"/

Alejandro got blue. Cody got purple. Sierra got green. "Wear 'em with pride, chickens! Hidden in these head things are a bunch of colored eggs that match the color of your head things."

"Wow, you actually did your research." Heather said.

"Your challenge: to find three eggs with your color and make a break for the massive underground cavern system and book it all the way up on highest point on the island. Reach the top with all three eggs to begin the second part of today's challenge." Chris said.

"What happens if we drop an egg?" Heather asked.

"You'll have to come all the way back here for a replacement." Chris said and Alejandro raised his hand. "And no, you cannot take a back up egg." Alejandro put his hand back down. "First to the top gets a big advantage in part two! Now scramble!"

We all ran towards the heads but stopped suddenly when we couldn't believe what we were seeing. It was everyone who was voted out this season. They were the heads.

"These look disturbingly familiar," Alejandro said.

"It's everyone who has been voted out!" Sierra said. We were all looking for our eggs then.

I first saw a Blaineley one. There was a pink egg right on her cleavage. Well, what are the odds? She did say that she would help me out. . . In a way.

"Guess you really are sticking out for me, Blaineley." I said with a chuckle. I walked up to the egg and grabbed it as I carried it. I put it in the hood of my hoodie.

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