Chapter 20: Trust

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Chapter 20: Trust

"Nadette, I'm trying to tell you. I don't have feelings for her. Anymore. . ." Alejandro said.

"See! I knew you had feelings for her!" I shouted in aggravation.

"But I don't anymore! I realized of her evil ways and her schemes against me. I believe of her to be major threat." He said. I crossed my arms.

"So what? Your feelings of her have changed. But what about your feelings towards me?" I asked. He then began to fume with rage.

"Why the hell do you think I tried coming back for you then? Just to get you eliminated? I could've done that a long time ago! I've tried everything in my will to convince you that I still love you, but you don't even try to listen!" He shouted.

"Why should I listen to you? All you ever said was lies! They are all lies!" I shouted back. "You said - no, you promised you wouldn't do anything again but you did! I forgave you of your past mistakes but you went ahead and did it again! How can I trust you? You're nothing but a lying, dirty, evil, hot, cheating, Spanish guy! I'm so over it! I'm so over you!"

"See! You can't even let me elaborate -"

"What? Excuse me? Elaborate? There's nothing to elaborate! You're a liar! You cheated on me! You're a terrible human being that doesn't know how to get their hands of a girl!" I said.

"Please, Nadette. How can I possibly make this up to you? How can I prove that I'm trustworthy? To gain your trust back? To gain our love back?" Alejandro asked. Was I going to consider it? Well, I did want him back. After all, I still very much love him. . .

I sighed, giving into my temptations. "You only have one shot left, Ally. . . You screw this up, and we're over, alright? For good. No more chances afterwards. Nothing. Got that?"

He grinned and ran up to means enveloped me into a hug as he pressed his lips against mine. I pushed him away harshly.

"I never said we were back together, you idiot!" I said in a harsh tone. "You mess this up, and it's all gone. We're through. So you better watch your every move, or you'll end up the next one going home."

"I understand," he said. I began to walk away from him. "I love you, Erin." I tensed up on the spot as my fists clenched tightly and my eyes squeezed shut.

"I'm sorry, but you have to earn my love." I said before walking off. . .


"Welcome to Drum Heller Alberta! A world heritage site. It has the wickedest collection of dinosaur bones on the planet." Chris said. "In front of you is a giant pit with lots of super ancient Dino bones. Grab whatever bones you can find to make your own life sized Dino. I'm calling it: Design-a-saur-it!" We all groaned. "I know, they should pay me just to come up with the titles."

Sierra growled at Heather.

"What's your problem?" Heather asked. Was there something I missed?

"You have two minutes to rifle through the plane's cargo hold and grab whatever you can to help build your creation. And GO!" Chris said. Sierra pushed down Heather as she started running.

I already had an idea running through my head as I grabbed the materials that I needed for my dinosaur. I call it: the heartbreak-a-saurus. It would be perfect because of Alejandro. Sierra had gotten the same idea as me, but mine was more depressing.

Mine was darker in some ways, if you catch my drift. I had fake tears and bloody hearts all around with half of a broken heart in each hand - claw - thing. I finished adding the final touches.

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