Chapter 6: Germany

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Chapter 6: Germany

Alejandro and I were doing absolutely nothing except our eating our chocolates we bought in New York City, which in fact were absolutely delicious. Noah was acting pretty suspicious of how we got them so I was the one that confessed and told them the truth. It was stupid and no sense to lie.

Owen begged us for some but we said no, knowing he would inhale them all just like he did in season one with my ribs. I swear, he's like an animal that's gone feral. I mean, I though the tube were good, but we would've totally won that challenge if Owen could keep it together.

"Six episodes and no eliminations!" Owen said. "If we were steak, we'd be a thirty-two inch Porterhouse and you guys would be a tiny slice of bologna!" He said towards Team Victory about the last part.

"Need I remind you we lost the last challenge?" Alejandro said. I rolled my eyes.

"Need I remind you that none of us got eliminated." I said with a smirk as I pecked his lips. He kissed me back as it continued for a good minute. Noah snickered next to us.

"And with you as our team leader, nothing is impossible!" Owen said. "Heck, I'm not afraid of flying anymore. Check this out!" Owen unbuckled his safety harness and got up as he started dancing. The plane shook and the plane hole opened up again. He went right though the hole and was holding onto the edges for his life.

"Help! Somebody! Pretty please! Al! Give me an Ale-hand bro!" Owen said. Alejandro only glared at him. Lindsay and DJ helped him out. Leshawna put a big crate into the hole to keep it from sucking everybody out. We then all fell onto the floorboard. I grabbed my head and rubbed it from the harsh landing.

"Whoa, aren't those the Alps?" Noah asked looking out of the small window. I looked out the other window. It can't be. No way!

"Achtung my viener schnitzels!" Chris said. I gasped.

"The German Alps!" I said loudly. Yes! My home country! Right where my German heritage belongs. This is where it's my time to shine!

Chris told us to get on the cargo hold. Of course we did. Idiots, we were.

"Now what?" Leshawna said. Suddenly, we dropped as we fell and landed into the snow. Of course! Always freaking snow! Alejandro caught Leshawna, which actually just crushed him.

Chris came down in a parachute parasail thing.

Chris said something in a German language that I couldn't interpret. Hey, I may come from here, but I don't understand a lick of a sentence. "Aka, Germany! We're in Avalanche territory, so you might want to keep it down." Chris whispered.

"WHAT? THERE'S A SALE AT KHAKI BARN!" Lindsay screamed. Tyler and Cody kept her mouth shut.

"Welcome to today's musical challenge: Avoid the Song-Alanche." Chris said. "To avoid a potentially fatal tumble down the mountain and a sucktacular climb back up, you better keep the singing nice and not loud."

Noah: Keep it down, so I can win the loot!
Owen: Try, I will, but I still got to fart! No toot!
Noah and Heather: Shhhh!
Heather: Toot on, but you're still out of luck. You suck the lemon chuck.
Gwen: Wait till you're voted out for being such a lout!
Courtney: I'll dance a jig when Chris shoves you out the plane!
Alejandro: When you don't hold back and lead the pack, truly there is nothing stopping you, you, you.
Leshawna: Swimming in your eyes, it's butterflies, and suddenly there's nothing I can't do. Sorry, Harold.
Lindsay: Wait, something's itching in my brain! Someone's back in the game! My former flame! And Tyler's your name! You're Tyler just the same! Oh, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler back you came.
Tyler: You remember me? Ha! She remembers me!
Nadette: Tyler, no!

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