Chapter 3: Japan

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Chapter 3: Japan

I woke up to Owen screaming for help. More like Leshawna scratching me in the face to hold onto something but then Alejandro grabbed her by the arm.

"Such beauty will not fall through giant air holes on my watch!" Alejandro said as he held onto her tightly. Either I was still dreaming or this is real, but did he just flirt with her? I rubbed my eyes, blinking to see him still holding onto her as she fell deeply into his eyes. What the heck is going on? Am I missing something here?

Apparently, Owen had gotten himself stuck in the hole of the plane causing the hole to stop sucking everything out. He was the perfect fit.

"I could've done that!" Harold said. I was just now sitting up. Leshawna laid her head on his chest as Alejandro just accepted it not doing anything about it when I was sitting right here! Did he even notice that I'm awake? "I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more."

"She wants more alright," said DJ grinning. "More Alejandro."

"I'm right here, ya know." I said glaring at them causing them to stop talking about it. I looked back at Alejandro who was still oblivious of my awakened presence as he was too busy staring at Leshawna.

"You can put me down now. I mean, if you wanted. Or not, your choice." Lashawna said still holding onto him as he was holding onto her. I frowned. Much like Harold was. "Because this is nice."

"Mmhmm nothing." Dj said to Harold clearly seeing what was happening. No I don't want to admit it. Clearly I'm seeing things wrong here.

"Not that this isn't fascinating and all, but help! My butt is being sucked out of a plane!" Owen shouted.

"This is your captain speaking!" Chris said over the intercom. "It's time for everyone to join me in the common area. And I mean everyone." We all had to get Owen out in order to get to the common area to listen to Chris about whatever the challenge may be today. I wasn't ready for whatever it was.

"Welcome to today's challenge!" Chris said.

"Is it reward or an elimination challenge?" Harold asked.

"Good question, Harold. Like I'm gonna tell ya!" My guess was that it was elimination. "And I hope you all brought your giant radioactive monster repellant, 'cause we are about to land in Japan!" Chef came out from the doors being knocked down as he was in a samurai outfit. I gasped loudly.

/"Japan is my all-time favorite country in the world! Second goes France and then England and Austria. Japan is everything though! That's where anime is born! That's where they have the greatest food and the most amazing culture! I know everything about this place!"/

"This is where anime is born!" I shouted with a grin. I'm so excited!

"Yes, yes it is, Nadette." Chris grinned.

"Gosh, you guys! That's totally a Chinese outfit!" Harold said.

"Thank you, Harold." Chris said. "Now, anyone who refuses to sing -"

"You just think you'd work harder to get it right!"

"Harold! Anyone who doesn't sing will immediately get disqualified!" Chris said clearly pissed.

"You cultural insensitivities are just - gosh! I mean - gosh!"

Chef then sliced the door open causing us all to get sucked out of the plane making us free fall. The song bell rang.

"Are you kidding me?" I shouted. Ugh, I might as well.

Courtney: We're singing as we're falling!
Heather: While some are cannon-balling!
Izzy: Yeah!
Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!
Noah and Owen: We might just go ka-blooey!
Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy!
Everyone: 'Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!
Leshawna: Billionairess!
Cody: Billiards champion!
DJ: Make it home to see my momma!
Sierra: Marry Cody!
Nadette: Not be so lonely!
Bridgette: Catch a barrel!
Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama!
Courtney: Corporate lawyer!
Gwen: Prom destroyer!
Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!
Alejandro: Lion tamer!
Owen: New food namer!
Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bars!
Noah: But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping!
Izzy: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!
DJ: Flat into little pieces!
Harold: Heads merged with our feet-ses!
Leshawna: That would really suck and here's why:
Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living!
Alejandro: So Chris, we hope you're giving:
Sierra: Some wings!
Courtney: A jetpack!
Gwen: A rift in time!
Heather: Parachute?!
Noah: Waterbed!
Tyler: A trampoline!
Izzy: Springy shoes!
Nadette: An angel!
Alejandro: Rocket boots!
Lindsay: Flying squirrel!
Leshawna: Bubble bath!
Lindsay: I change to bubbles, too!
DJ: Momma!
Owen: Pizza! No! Chips and some dip will do!
Everyone: 'Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!
Owen: Yeah!

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