Chapter 14: Sheering Sheep

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Chapter 14: Sheering Sheep

All the guys were talking about strategy while I was listening to music and eating some chocolate still. I caught Duncan stealing a few from me and I didn't mind. But when Owen did, I slapped his hand away. One bite of this and his mouth will be all over it. I wasn't going to allow thar to happen.

I didn't want to bother with their talking, as it didn't interest me in the slightest. Alejandro kept giving me odd looks though, as if they were talking about me. Yeah, I know I'm awesome.

"All competitors please move to the common area to prep for landing." I heard Chris say loudly enough to be heard through the earphones.

I got up and turned off my music as I set it aside in my backpack, the ones we were given to on the first day.

We all walked to the dining hall and I took a seat. I watched Alejandro flirt with Courtney. I knew his motive, but he better lay off a bit. I don't want to ever catch him again doing something that I know would set me off. Which, in fact, was anything.

"Today's forecast is clear skies, temperature of fifty degrees Celsius — or say three hundred degrees Fahrenheit. And today's landing is going to be a more of a non-landing flyby. Jump, drop, and roll!" Chris said.

Ugh, here we go again. I hated every single part of this, but alas, I had no choice. I jumped like it was no problem. After all, we weren't that high this time.

We all gathered in front of Chris who had on a cowboy hat.

"G'day, mate! And welcome to Australia!" Chris said with an Australian accent. Yes, awesome country. "I call today's challenge the Marathon of Death." I rolled my eyes. And like I've said before, the stupid titles with 'Death'. Yeah, real classic there.

"That's real original," I said.

"Shush!" He said to me then turned back towards everyone else. "Part one is an emu race all the way into the blue mountains. I'm not sure the trip will be dangerous exactly; but, venomous snakes, killer scorpions, and the very real possibility of sun stroke. I hope you all have your affairs in order. Whoever reaches the majestic hanging rock first, will earn a distinctive advantage in the second half on the challenge. And yes, I said emu. Bring 'em in, boys."

Two interns brought emus in. "No saddle! After all it's supposed to be a challenge! Now go!" Chris said and we took off. I ran and grabbed an emu as I tried hopping on. I looked to see Alejandro helping Courtney with her emu. I glared.

/"He's just trying to get her out of the game. He's just trying to get her out of the game. He's just trying to get her out of the game."/

Duncan was having a hard time with his emu. Alejandro then got on his own. I just rode off into the distance. I really didn't want to look at him right now.


A few days have passed and still no luck of finding the stupid finish line. I didn't know where anything was — or where I was. I was hot and tired and sweaty. I wanted air conditioning and a glass of lemonade. I saw Duncan getting pummeled by a kangaroo.

When I did find the finish line, I made it right in with Alejandro. A few of the people were already there. I got off my emu and looked at Duncan who was fighting with the kangaroo still.

"You get back here! One more round! I didn't hear no bell!" Duncan said in fighting mode. The kangaroo hopped back and punched him, making the bell sound. I couldn't help but laugh. Heather went over to help him. Yep, it surprised me.

"What happened to you?" Gwen asked.

"Nothing I will admit to," Duncan said. Then Sierra was here with the emu pecking her head.

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