Chapter 13: Area 52

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Chapter 13: Area 52


She wouldn't stop crying and sobbing and hitting Duncan! Like enough of it already! Who cares if you're upset? I sure as hell didn't! She was giving me a migraine. She either needs to suck it of stuff it because it I didn't want to hear it all the way to our next destination. I can't believe I'm stuck on a plane with her. Ugh!

I was sitting in loser class trying to keep my cool by rubbing my temples together. Drawing wouldn't help. My notebook was completely full once again. My sketches were full of Sierra now. She was pretty fun to draw, but not pretty fun to hang around with.

I just hope she doesn't see my art and sell it on DeviantArt or something or maybe even ask me to draw SierraxCody fan fiction. Like ha ha, no. I don't think so, bro.

The plane started to shake and I flinched hard. Dammit, control yourself, Erin. . . It's only air turbulence, nothing else. Right?

"Attention, potential crash victims, please remain calm." Chris said. "Our auto pilot is testing some equipment. Snacks in the common area. If you don't believe me and want to lose a meal."

I walked over towards the place to see a bowl of fruit. I grabbed a nice green apple and bit into it, enjoying the juicy sourness.

"You call these snacks?" Owen said. "We're all gonna die!" I rolled my eyes at the nonsense. Would it kill you to eat healthy for once? Wow, I sound irritable, blame it on Miss Whiny. I ate my apple in piece when I heard something else go off suspiciously.

"Tyler is super cute," I heard Courtney say. I chocked and spat my chewed apple bits in Gwen's hair. She didn't seem to notice since her head was turned the other way.

I looked to see Tyler was doing some exercises. His shoe came flying off and hit Courtney in the head, causing me to laugh.

"Wow, you're so fit and strong, Tyler!" Courtney said. Duncan seemed pretty annoyed. Now I see. Courtney is trying to throw his game off and make him jealous. Nice. Let's see how far that takes you.

The lights randomly flashed off. Owen farted.

"With dark as my witness, that was not me." Owen said. I just rolled my eyes annoyed once again. The plane hit the ground and Owen was screaming again.

"Three, two, one, and we're back." Alejandro said, snapping his fingers. Owen immediately stopped screaming.

"We landed already? I'm so over this flying thing." Owen said.

"Look's like I owe you five bucks," Duncan said. Yes, best buds getting along at their finest! My best friend and my boyfriend getting along was like some kind of miracle.

"Let me guess, you're uncle the hypnotist?" I said.

"Like always," he said with a smile. We then all got out of the plane.

"Everyone, welcome to the coolest extra terrestrial-est place in the world! Area 52." Chris said. Wicked.

"52? Area 51 is where all the cool alien stuff is," Gwen said.

"The show's so broke we have to fake an area now?" Duncan asked.

"Nope, this is really area 52. That's Area 51 right there, we're just inside the border. Well, all of us except Duncan." Chris said. And right then, he got shocked by the lasers.

"Duncan!" Gwen called out. The lasers stopped shocking him and Courtney laughed beside Tyler quite obnoxiously.

/"Ugh, just give it up already."/

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