Chapter 5: New York

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Chapter 5: New York

The next morning, I woke up with the best sleep that I've ever had probably in my entire life. And I got to experience that with my boyfriend, Alejandro. I was still very upset with him kissing Bridgette, but he reassured me by promising to never do it again. I'm strict with my promises so let's just hope he acts the same way.

We decided to have some breakfast, which was some delicious meal that I haven't had since I got onto this death trap. I had some French toast covered in honey with some berries and whip cream as toppings. I was in heaven. They even had almond milk instead of cows which I found to be quite tasteful.

"Oh yeah!" Tyler said. "First class rocks!"

"Today we eat the breakfast of champions!" Alejandro said. I grinned and ate some more fruit. The pineapples tasted so fresh.

"Oh yeah, that's the spot." Izzy said as she was getting her shoulders rubbed. I raised my hand to them signaling that I wanted one as well. Another person came into view and began massaging my shoulders putting instant relief to my much needed sore muscles. "Aw! Look at Big O! His fear of flying is so adorable." He was literally tied to a bed with some rope holding him in place so he wouldn't freak out in a panic and shake the plane to some crazy turbulence or worse — crash the plane.

"Hey, wait a second. Has anybody seen Noah?" I asked as I looked around. I haven't seen him since yesterday. Suddenly, Owen fell off the couch. Oh, there he is.

"Finally!" He said gasping for air. "Thanks for not noticing I was missing all night! What am I? Tyler?"

"Hey!" Tyler said. He spat some food on Alejandro. I took a napkin and wiped it off.

"Nadette, you have some pineapple juice dripping from your chin." Alejandro said. He lifted my chin and licked it off. I felt my face heat up, so I turned away in embarrassment.

"T-thanks," I said.

I sat back down and just stared out the window. A lady gave me a nice big cookie so I ate it as the guy continued to soothe my shoulders once again putting me in complete and utter relaxation. I noticed Alejandro sneaking off probably to head to the losers quarters. Hm, what is he up to? I saw that he smuggled some candy from the candy bowl. Just what does he think he's planning on?


We were at the trap door and we were in a big boat holding us all in. Chris was the only one wearing a life jacket.

"Take a seat, grab a handle, and I'll tell you where we're going." Chris said. We did as told and I sat right beside Alejandro as I held onto him instead.

"Why are you wearing a life jacket?" Noah asked.

"Because there are fourteen of you and one valuable me." Chris said. "Hit it, Chef!" The trap door opened and we all fell into a vast space of water beneath us. I got splashed. We arrived at one of the most beautiful places that I've ever wanted to go in my life. New York City! The boat sped off as we went past the Statue of Liberty. It was so much taller in person.

"Welcome to New York City!" Chris announced as we rode around to make it to dry land. Once we got off, we huddled around an area in one of the parks.

"Your first challenge is a carriage race around Central Park, which I like to call Liberty or Death!" Chris said.

"I've always dreamt of being in a horse carriage," Owen said.

/"Really, because I thought it was always about food?"/

"Slow down confusion jumpers, it's a baby carriage race." Chris corrected. Baby?

"So where are the carriages?" Leshawna asked.

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