Chapter 8: Paris!

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Chapter 8: Paris!

Alejandro's eye had finally healed and I kissed it. I relaxed against him with his arm around me as we talked in economy class. Ugh, it sucks back here. Oh well, at least I'm with Alejandro.

"I'm glad Lindsay won the challenge and all, but her being up there and me being back here - it sucks!" Tyler said complaining. Aw, I kinda feel bad for him.

/"I know how that feels. Being away from someone you love is tough. Like Alejandro and I. I couldn't stand it in season one and season two. And now we're in this together! Wait, wasn't I talking about Tyler and Lindsay? Oh yeah. . ."/

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." Owen said. "When I'm away from Izzy too long, I get really -"

"Happy?" Noah interrupted causing me to let out a laugh. "'Cause your girlfriend is a complete and total nut job? And I'm not talking about the small peanuts you get on inflight snacks. I'm talking about a Brazilian sized nut job."

"Hey! Where is Izzy, any how?" Owen asked.

"I saw her go to the cockpit to talk to Chef," Alejandro said causing everyone to gasp. The jet started to shake. Um, what's going on?!

"What's happening?" Courtney asked.

"We're going down!" Tyler shouted. I screamed and clung onto Alejandro for dear life and he did the same.

"Having some trouble controlling your team, Alejandro?" Heather asked. Owen was sucking his thumb in the compartment above our heads. Tyler and Noah both had their head stuck in something. I was busy holding onto my seat the whole time.

"Your attempt to insult my team are . . . cute." Alejandro said. I blinked my eyes at him.

"Whatever." Heather said. "My girl power team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything, especially boys." I rolled my eyes. Alejandro pointed to Sierra who was sobbing uncontrollably and eating ice cream out of the tub with her hands. "Get it together!" She dragged the poor girl by her hair out of the room while continued to cry.

"All clear," whispered Alejandro where Cody was stuffed inside one of the little overhead compartments.

"Ahem," I heard Izzy speak over the intercom trying to speak in a lower octave. "This is your captain speaking. If you look out your window, you'll get to see what happens when a plane does a somersault."

"Give me that!" I heard Chef. "Uh, y'all might want to hold onto something heavy." We all clung onto Owen for dear life as we screamed.


We then all got out of the plane thankfully unharmed. We all stood around Chris waiting for him to give us whatever challenge we were gonna do today.

"I didn't get a chance to prep my introduction, what with the unexpected water landing and all." Chris said as he flipped through cards. "I'll just give the highlights. France . . . City of Love. . . Art Gallery . . . Filler. . . Lots of artwork. . . Priceless, priceless artwork. . ."

I gasped and I squeezed onto Alejandro's hand tightly. "Do you know how awesome this is? We're in France! Paris! With the best guy in the world!"

"Noah?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"No! You, silly! You!" I squealed as I kissed him. "I can't believe I'm in France with you! Oh, it's a dream come true!"

"You're my dream come true," he said as he kissed me back. Ah, I'm going to faint.

"There's no time for shopping!" Chris interrupted Lindsay. "The first challenge is about to start. Everyone, inside the Louve."

"Ah, I believe you mean Louvre." Courtney said.

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