Chapter 10: Mon'

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Chapter 10: Mon'

We were all having spa treatments in first class. It was about time! We've hardly been up here! It's nice to just relax with your boyfriend without any songs or challenges thrown at your face.

"Man, do I sure miss this place." I sighed in relief.

"Yes, nothing better to be with the girl I love to spend time together with," Alejandro smiled at me. I couldn't see it due to the cucumbers but I could definitely sense it. He got up to talk to Chris and I just relaxed as I ate some chocolate from the New York spree.

"Attention passengers," he then screamed. I shot up from my seat and looked to see that we were falling. I screamed as I clung onto Alejandro. Izzy suddenly threw the door open to the plane.

SHE'S GONE MENTAL! . . . Oh wait, she already was.

Owen fell out and so Izzy jumped with the parachute. Alejandro and I clung onto the seats for our very own lives trying not to get sucked out of the plane like the two dimwits who did.

Then we crashed into the island hard, nearly giving me a hard attack from the rough landing. We slid out from the slide to see we were on a luxurious beach.

"Two airports on an island the size of a postage stamp, and he misses both but somehow it's my fault!" Chris said.

"You blew our money for the season on Chris work!" Chef argued.

"Chris! Owen and Izzy need help!" Courtney shouted. I looked at where they were and gasped. They were both trapped under the plane. The ambulance had to come by and help them out as they took them away to the hospital wing. I hope they're ok. They looked really bad.

"Izzy and Owen are going to be fine. Thanks to travel insurance, help is on the way. . . In six to eight hours." Chris said. I narrowed my eyes at him, irritated with his usual response of how well they took care of us.

"What about the rest of us?" Gwen asked.

"Well, we're out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke. But the show must go on!" Chris said. Uh, and how do you suppose we do any of that? "We can't waste any of this footage! Think of the hits we'll get on Cliptoon!"

"Where the heck even are we?" I asked looking around on the foreign island. It was a beautiful sight, but not knowing where we were was making me a bit anxious.

"Jamaica, mon!" Chris said. "We were supposed to land in Ochos Rios, but since somebody forgot how to glide, we'll have to do the challenges here instead, and fast, before whoever owns this dump asks for a location fee." Why can't they just be more responsible with their job? Is it really that hard? I do not want to end up stranded here!

"Didn't you guys budget for the whole season?" Noah asked.

"Some things cost more than expected," said Chris, "airplane ready hot tubs don't grow on trees, you know!"

"You must have an emergency fund!" Heather said. I nodded my head agreeing. Surely, they had —

"Spent it on our last fuel up," Chris said. Of course, I've should've known better.

"Which went so well," Noah said sarcastically.

"Grab your board shorts and meet me at the waterfall!" Chris said.

We all went to get changed on the plane. I put on my green and black swimsuit with a green cover up jacket to go over it so I didn't risk anything.

We all got ready and went to the cliff. Chris was wearing some Jamaican clothing so I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nice blouse," Noah chuckled.

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