Chapter 18: Safari Hunt

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This is the song for Erin, which you can play when I give the cue during the book. It was written and played and sung by me. You're welcome.

Chapter 18: Safari Hunt

After the elimination ceremony, I pulled Alejandro aside for a bit. To have a little chat, if you know my drift. I was obviously pissed, and he was going to know what it was about.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked me. I only pushed him away from me roughly.

"You know very well of what's wrong, Alejandro! You know exactly what you did!" I said angrily as I pushed him again. I was fuming. I was finally confronting him, and this was not going to end with hugs and kisses.

"Babe, I -"

"No, stop talking. Don't you even dare try to defend yourself this time. You were all over everyone. Bridgett, Leshawna, and Courtney! Who's next? Huh? Who's your next target? Sierra? Heather?" I said.

"I don't love them, I love -"

"Yeah, well, you tend to show that by making out with them! Remember Bridgett? Who you left stuck to a pole?" I said. I liked Bridgett. She was pretty cool. And he just — ugh! I bet Geoff was pissed.

Alejandro looked at me with guilt and shame. There was no way I was going to show him mercy. No act of forgiveness. At least not for right now.

"Leshawna, who you played with and threw a challenge for!" I said. "And let's not forget Miss CIT in Training: Courtney, which in fact, you had your hands all over her!"

"Nadette, let me explain. I was only trying to get them out of the game to get to the final three." Alejandro said. I rolled my eyes.

"So you just had to kiss them, be all grabby and touchy, and throw a challenge just to win the game?" I said. He nodded with a pleading smile. I threw my hands up in the air frustrated. I am about to fucking scream.

"Well, what could I say about you? You were all over Duncan!" He said. Oh he did not bring him into this. That. Tears. It.

"Why do you think I did it? Huh? I was fucking hurt by you! You left me! I didn't have any comfort anymore and you were making me angrier every time I saw you with someone all the damn time! I had no one to turn to but Duncan! Because he's a good friend! He has treated me with respect! He hasn't done me wrong at all! And at the moment, he's more trustworthy than you! He's been more of a friend this entire fucking season than you ever were! This entire time you've been obsessed with winning and getting successful! But you never not once thought about me or my feelings!

"At least I didn't make out with Duncan when you did with Bridgett! When we were still together! I didn't have sex with Duncan either when you did it with Courtney! That's right, I saw you two making love earlier in the cargo hold! I don't flirt constantly and try to be so fucking manipulative amongst my peers! I've been loyal to you this entire fucking time and you do this kind of shit to me! I'm the one who was trying to be faithful, trusting, and had hope in you! I thought you would be fucking better than this, but you're not, God dammit!" I shouted. He seemed taken back by my words. I was slightly shocked as well, but I didn't regret saying any of it.

"Nadette. . . I'm - I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that I was hurting you so much. I'm so sorry." He walked up to me and tried putting an arm on my shoulder to comfort me, but I shrugged it off violently. I was way too upset for comfort. Especially by him.

"You hurt me so much, Alejandro. It broke me to see you that way. I love you. But how can I do anything when you're all over them? Next thing I know, you'll be with Heather. I can't take this anymore, Alejandro. I'm done. Alejandro, this is it. I'm tired. I'm tired of getting hurt. Im tired of thinking I'm going to have you back again. I'm tired of you and you're running off to flirt or do something totally stupid. I'm tired of everything. I'm just so fucking tired. I can't this anymore, Alejandro. . . I'm sorry, but I'm tired of heartbroken over and over and over again. I'm just some porcelain doll that keeps getting broken into a million tiny pieces. I can't handle this. Goodbye." I said. I pulled the ring off from my finger and put it in his hands carefully, as I made myself wrap his hand around it before walking away.

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