Ch 1/ A new life...... Hopfully

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Hey guys I'm starting this fanfic but don't worry I'm not done with the other one. Ill be adding on to both. thank you hope you like it please vote and comment what you think.


Ch 1/ A new life..... Hopefully


I'm Abigail Brooks, but the few friends I have call me Abby. I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I have a younger sister who's 16 and her name is Victoria but we call her vicci she has beautiful long wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes she's much prettier than me and a lot more popular. I also have a little brother Collin, who is 6 he has short blonde/brown curly hair and blue/green eyes he is so adorable. I on the other hand am ugly I have long black super straight hair and green eyes I am very unpopular I only have like one friend she is 18 her name is Rachel she is really pretty she has long wavy dirty blonde hair with green eyes like me. I have had a pretty hard life my dad died a year after Collin was born so we live with my mom and I've only had one boyfriend who abused me but they caught him and he went to jail. There is this girl Rebecca who is super popular and always made fun of me and beat me up constantly. After all that I figured my only option was to cut myself. One time my mom walked in in me cutting my wrist and she rushed me to the hospital and decided that we should move. I told her I couldn't leave Rachel so since she was 18 Rachel said she would move with us because her mom said it was ok. So today we are moving to a place in England called Bradford, that's gonna be a long plane ride from California and I hate planes I always feel like they are going to crash. Anyway Rachel will be here soon with her stuff and I haven't even started packing.

*2 hours later*

DING! Ok Rachel must be here. I ran to the door to let her in.

"Hey rach",I said giving her a hug.

"Hey I can't wait to move to England",she squealed,"English boys are so hot".

"I know right",I said.

"Totally",she said.o

"Ok here come up to my room you can help me finish packing. I think my mom is helping Collin and vicci",I said.

"Ok what time do we have to leave",she asked.

"Uhm 1:30",I answered.

"Shit! It's already 12:50",she said,"we need to hurry".

"Ok",I said. We ran up and finished getting my stuff together.

"Girls are you ready we need to go",my mom yelled.

"Yeah coming right now",I said loud so she could hear me. Me and Rachel grabbed our stuff and ran down the stairs. I do have to say I'm going to miss this house but I am so ready for a new life. Vicci, Rachel, and I bought new diaries for the new life. We grabbed some snacks to eat and got into our van. We arrived at the airport and booked it to our plane we have 2 minutes before it leaves. We handed the lady our tickets and took a seat. Rachel, vicci, and I sat in the three seats in the middle while my mom and Collin sat in the two seats on the edge. Rachel pulled out her iPod an plugged that thing in where you can plug in 3 sets of headphones. Rachel and I have like the same songs on our iPods we were both into completely weird music. We love country, 80's rock, and some pop. Oh well we enjoy being unique. While we were listening to our music they had Tvs so we watched pitch perfect while. Being the faties we are we got a lot of snacks. It was starting to get late so we wrapped ourselves in my Harry potter blanket, we are also kind of nerds,we also had our beanbag neck pillows and soon we fell asleep.

When I awoke we were still on the plane but now it was morning so I decided I was going to write in my diary soon after I started writing Rachel woke up and since we do everything together she got out her diary and started writing too while vicci was watching mean girls. When we finished writing me and Rachel decided to watch mean girls on the tv. Most of the time vicci, Rachel, and I were goofing off and acting like idiots.

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