Ch/9 the beach

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Ch/9 the beach


"Hey guys wait I can't go I have to watch Collin because if we take he will be bored cause there's no one his age",I said.

"Actually I have a lil sister,Safaa, and she is 6 too",Zayn said.

"Oh well that's works perfectly",I said.

"Yeah",he said.

"Oh guys how about we go to the beach after Nandos",I said.

"Or we could get Nandos to go and eat it at the beach",Niall offered.

"Sounds great so go home call your mom or sister Zayn and tell her to wear a swim suit and we will get dressed and meet you guys outside",I said.

"Ok",they said and ran back to their house. I shut the curtains remembering from Zayn's room they can see in our window. I went in a put on my green zebra bikini and some denim shortie shorts. I realized that me,Rachel, and Alex all put on the same swim suit except that Rachel's was blue and she was wearing white shorts and Alex's was orange and she had on denim shorts also.

"Woah well this is weird",I said.

"Totally",Alex agreed.

"But pretty cool",Rachel said.

"Yeah",we all said smiling. I went to go get vicci and violet who were wearing the exact same bikini except violets was purple and viccis was pink and they were both poke a dot and vicci was wearing purple shorts and violet was wearing pink ones, they had totally planned this.

"You girls ready",I asked.

"Yeah",they both said.

"Ok let me go get Collin dressed and then go get the boys and we can leave",I said.

"Ok",they both said.

I went down stairs to Collin's room where he was playing with his cars and making funny sound effects.

"Hey buddy get into some swim trunks we are going to the beach and we invited a friend for you her name is Safaa and she is Zayn's little sister",I told him.

"Ok yay lewt me gewt dwessed",he said.

"Ok",I said an shut the door. I stood outside if his door and waited. About five minutes later he opened the door.

"Ok I'm weady",he said.

"Ok go up to viccis room so I can go get the boys and tell her to meet us outside",I told him.

"Yes mam",he said acting like a soldier. I ran upstairs and out onto my balcony and hoped over the rail onto Zayn's balcony and knocked on his door.

"Hey babe",he said walking out holding his black shirt about to put it on with his black swim trunks.

"Hey",I said and he bent down and pecked my lips before slipping the shirt over his head,"are you guys ready",I asked.

"Yep come on let's get into the van",he said holding out his hand. I grabbed his hand and walked outside to a red and white volkeswagon. The girls and Collin were already waiting outside with the boys by the van. I picked up Collin and put him in the seat and buckled him in and set two seats away so that way Safaa could sit next to him and Zayn by me then Alex on the other side of me. Liam drove and vicci say in the passengers seat and Lou and violet sat by each other am Niall sat across from Alex. We drove for about fifteen minutes before we pulled up to a nice house and I saw a little girl sitting on the steps in a pink and white checkered bathing suit. She was. Adorable she was a little shorter than Collin with dark brown hair not quite as dark as Zayn's but dark and bright blue eyes with tan skin like Zayn's.

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