Ch 16 the hospital

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Hey guys sorry it's been a while I was working in my new Harry fanfic please read it


Ch 16 the hospital


When Zayn and I finished eating we went on a walk around the park.

"This night is perf-",I was cut off by my phone ringing.

"What is it Liam",I said annoyed.

"Abby get home right now",he said.

"Why",I asked.

"Niall and Alex went on a walk by the beach and Niall went into a store to buy something for Alex and he told her to wait outside when he walked out Alex had been shot",he explained really fast.

"Oh my god I'm on my way",I said.

"Hurry",was all he said before hanging up.

"What is it Abs",Zayn asked looking concerned.

"Alex has been shot",I said crying.

"Oh my god lets go ill take you to the hospital",Zayn said grabbing my hand and we ran to the motorcycle. I texted Liam saying we were going to the hospital. Zayn took off going as fast as he could. I told him the directions and in like five minutes we were there. He dropped me off and I ran in while he went to go park the motorcycle.

"Can I help you miss",the lady at the desk asked.

"Yeah for Alex brooks",I said.

"Ok she is in surgery right now so for now you can wait in the waiting room",she said pointing to the room.

"Ok thank you",I said noticing Niall with his head in his hands so I headed over to sit by him.

"Niall she'll be ok",I said trying to comfort him.

"You don't know that",he yelled.

"I do I can feel what she does and how she feels and until I loose that she's fine",I yelled crying harder.

"I'm sorry Abby I'm only thinking about myself I mean your her sister but I love her and I couldn't live without her",he said.

"I know how that feels",Zayn said walking up and standing by me.

"Yeah",he said.

"I also know what it's like to almost loose her",he said.

"Zayn I know this is the absolute worse feeling I've ever felt",Niall said crying.

"I know mate, I know but think positive don't give up she will be ok",Zayn said.

"Ok thanks Zayn",Niall said.

"Your welcome",was all Zayn said.

It was late so I was really tired I was spread out with my legs on Niall and my head on Zayn's lap. I fell asleep.

I woke up hoping it was all a dream but then I looked around seeing I was still in the waiting room but this time the whole group was here.

"Good morning sleepy head",Zayn said.

"How is she",I asked.

"She made it through the surgery just fine Niall is in her room talking to her",Zayn said.

"She wants to see you Abby",Niall said walking out of the hall.

"Ok",I said running to her room.

When I walked in I noticed a very weak helpless looking Alex.

"Hi sis",she said slightly smiling. I noticed they had shot her in the stomach where se had a bunch of bandages.

"Hi Al how are you feeling",I asked.

"I guess pretty good for being shot and almost dying",she said.

"Wow you even can be a smart ass when your in horrible condition",I laughed.

"Yeah",she agreed.

"So who shot you",I asked becoming all serious.

"I don't know the were wearing stuff in their face so I couldn't see them but I think those people your mom was talking about found us",she said.

"I think so too and if they find out you lived they'll just come back",I said.

"So where do we go",she asked.

"I don't know",I said.


Hope you guys liked it. I know it was very dramatic though.

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