Ch/7 recovered

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Hey guys sorry about all the drama in the last chapter but please don't stop reading.


Ch/7 recovered


•Zayn's POV•

When I woke up Abby was still sleeping. I looked at my clock I slept for a little over 2 hours so she could wake up anytime. I got up and walked over to her bed.

"Abby I love you more than you could ever know",I said grabbing her hands.

Her eyes suddenly fluttered open,"I know and I also know now that I love you too",she said a little weak.

"Hey you can leave I think by tomorrow or the day after",I said.

"Yay this is a hell hole I swear",she laughed weakly.

I laughed too,"ya don't eat their food either it's horrible".

"I know they gave me some I took one bite and told them to throw it away",she laughed.

*Abby's POV 2 days later*

Finally I can leave its horrible here. I am going home with Rachel, Vicci, and my mom,who completely apologized and said we were ungrounded,but Zayn isn't here because him and the boys said they had a surprise for me I'm so excited I never get surprises.

"Now Abby don't you ever do that again that was the scariest shit ever",Rachel said.

"Ya we thought we lost you an if it hadn't been for Zayn we probably would have",vicci agreed and her and Rachel both huged so tight I couldn't breath.

"Uh girls can't breath",I whispered.

"Oh sorry",they both laughed and I joined them.

"Oh come here baby girl",my mom said running up and hugging me. I've never been this nice with her but I like it I think now my mom and I are going to get along.

"Mom",I said.

"Yes sweety",she said.

"I love you",I said for the first time in a very long time.

"I love you too always",she said then we walked out of the hospital and got into the car and drove home. When we pulled up into the drive way Rachel and vicci tied a bandanna around my eyes so I couldn't see. Then they guided me to the door. When we opened it i ripped of the bandanna and every one yelled "surprise" and there was a banner the said 'welcome back'.

"Omg thank you all of you",I yelled.

"Oh it was all Zayn's idea",my mom said.

"Thank you so much",I said running up and kissing him.

"Your welcome",he said smiling and holding me.

"Cake time",Niall and Louis yelled.

"Yay",I screamed as Zayn lifted my up bridal style an carried me into the dining room. He sat me down in front of a cake that said 'welcome home Abby'.

"Aww I said but it looks like a little kid wrote it",I said.

"That's because Collin wrote it",Harry said.

"Thanks Collin",I said as he ran and gave me a hug.

"Your welcome sissy I weawy missed yow",he said.

"I missed you a lot too",I said hugging him tightly.

"Hawy and I made the cake for you do you like it",he asked not able to say Harry's name properly.

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