Ch/4 are we still JUST friends?

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Ch/4 are we still JUST friends?


*Abby's POV*

When I woke up I was no longer wrapped in Zayn's arms I was now in my bed.

"Hey your finally up", Rachel said from the couch where she was watching tv.

"Ya what time is it",I asked while stretching my arms.

"Almost noon",she answered my eyes widened.

"What why didn't anyone get me up", I yelled.

"Well you looked so peaceful and we didn't want to disturb you",she said.

"Thanks",I said.

"No problem",she shrugged.

"So what do you want to do today",I asked.

"We are going shopping because the boys invited us to their place for dinner",she said.

"Really",I asked.

"Really it's going to be so much fun",she squealed.

"I know right",I said.

"Yeah totally",she agreed.

"Ok let's go get vicci I think she still sleeping to I mean you guys act to much alike",she said.

"Sorry can't help it",I shrugged. We went down the hall to vicci's room where she laid soundly asleep. Rachel and I looked at each other with a mischievous smile on our face,"wake up!",we screamed at the top of our lungs.

"What", vicci said jumping off her bed freaked out.

"Good morning",I said.

"Ass hole",she said.

"Oh don't be a grouch",Rachel wined.

"Why not",she asked

"Because we are going shopping for a new outfit to wear to the boys house for dinner tonight", I cut in.

"Omg really",she said jumping up and down clapping.

"No joke now lets go me and you slept in",I said.

"Ok",vicci said.

"I drive",Rachel said grabbing her keys. We went and got in her red Cadillac that her parents got her for her 16th birthday.

"Ok now nothing overly fancy but nothing too casual",I said.

"Ok",Rachel and vicci both said.

"Oh and we have to be there at 5:30 tonight",Rachel said.

"Oh and it's already 2 so step on it",vicci said.

We got into the parking lot and got a great spot right by the doors. We got out and ran into Rue 21 first. There I looked but couldn't find anything I liked overly much and I don't think vicci did either but Rachel got what she was wearing. She got a strapless floral jean dress with a thick belt around the waist it was really cute. She also got jean flats with a floral clutch. Next, we went to Tilly's where I still couldn't find anything I really liked but vicci found what she was wearing. She got a light pink sundress with black poke-a-dots it was heart shaped on top with sheer black sleeves. It looked like something she would wear she also got black flats and a black sparkly clutch. After that we went PAC sun and I found what I was wearing I got a simple white lace sundress with some white sandals and a white purse. We quickly walked to Claire's and got some matching jewelry. I looked at my iPhone to see the time. Shit. It's already 4.

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