Ch/6 in deep shit

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Ch/6 in deep shit


~Mom's POV~

I am so mad at these girls and I'm not afraid to yell at Rachel she is practically my third daughter I've known her since the day she was born and I've been best friends with her mom since 1st grade. I mean Rachel even calls me mom. Bedsides the point I'm so mad at them they stayed out till midnight and didn't even tell me where the they were going and since Rachel thinks she's my daughter she's not afraid to give me sass so she is treated no different then the rest of my children.

I walked into their room to yell at them,"where were you guys last night",I yelled/asked.

"Mom we were at our friends house",vicci snarled at me.

"What friends and why isn't Abby home I told her to be home at seven",I shouted.

"It doesn't matter who it just matters who's house we were at it just matters that it was a friend",vicci shouted.

"And we don't know where Abby is cause we told her to be home early too",Rachel hissed.

"She is in deep shit much more trouble than you two and plus your 'friends' are coming for dinner I made Abby invite them",I yelled. Right after I said that I heard a 'thump' outside and laughing I could tell one laugh belonged to Abby but the other belonged to a boy. Abby never got boys that was for vicci and Rachel this was unique. Then I heard talking I couldn't figure out what the boy was saying but I could tell he was English. It was really silent so I could figure out what was going on so I ran and threw open the door to the balcony and sure enough I found Abby on top of this boy in black kissing him and then they stopped as soon as they saw me.

"Inside now",I yelled,"and for you mister you better go home because if I had to guess you are one of the 'friends' and will be joining us for dinner tonight",I said as calmly as I possibly could.

*Abby's POV*

O.M.G it was my mom and the girls. I looked wide eyed at my mom then to vicci and Rachel who mouthed 'I'm sorry' and I mouthed back 'it's ok'. My mom started yelling at me and Zayn who after meeting my mom is never going to want to talk to me again. God why does she have to be such a bitch. She made Zayn leave and me go inside to yell at me. I turned and mouthed 'good bye I'm sorry' and he mouthed 'it's ok I love you'. So he's not mad thank god. The four of us went inside.

"Sit down all of you",my mom said pointing at the sofa we all immediately sat down my mom is really scary.

"I can't believe any of you girls you completely disobeyed me to go over to a bunch of boys' house and stay till midnight and you miss Abigail stayed all night with your boyfriend who by the looks of him I don't like him and I know there are other boys there and I know you two are also dating two if them",she yelled. How does she know so much I mean major stalker status.

"You girls are grounded for the next week so after tonight don't think about going to see those boys after tonight",she shouted.

"Ok",we all said sighing.

"Well that's all I have to say for now ill probably be back later but lunch is ready so come eat if your hungry",she said.

Vicci and Rachel got up,"Abby are you coming",they asked.

"No you guys go ahead I'm not hungry",I said.

"Suit yourself we'll be back",they said.

"Alright see you in a few",I said as the left and shut the door. I couldn't take the stress I got up and got my blade out of my drawer and pressed it into my wrist and slicing it. I winced in pain since I hadn't cut myself in a while. But once I started cutting I started cutting my legs and wrists and couldn't stop and I couldn't stop myself. I heard something click but I didn't know what it was but I didn't stop to look.

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