Chapter Thirty Five

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AN:// This is a REALLY short chapter. Like really short. Sadly it's the second to last chapter of the book. Don't be upset because I will make a second book once I get back from vacation. By the way I don't know if I mentioned anything that's going to be in this chapter so sorry in advance.  

It was getting later and later by the second. I really wanted to go to bed but I had to finish this last song. It was mentally killing me. I had nine songs done and just needed one more song. Just one more song and I'm done.

"Hazel what are you doing up this late?" Jimmy asked in a sleepy voice while rubbing his eye.

"Trying to write this last song for my album."


"Oh I didn't tell you?"


"Well Mr. Richards gave me a record deal..."

"Wait you got a record deal and didn't tell me?"

"Yeah I did I must have forgotten to tell you." I answered honestly, "I start recording on the fifth"

"Oh well congrats" he said a bit sad.

"What's wrong?"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to a cottage in Wales with Robert, Mo and Carmen. It's Roberts's family house that's called Bron-Yr-Aur."

"I would love to but I have that deal."

"Alright but instead of going to the cottage would you like to go to a Rolling Stones New Year's party?"

"Yeah totally but I need to go out and buy an outfit since I don't have all my nice clothes."

"Alright well tomorrow well go and pick something out for you and I'll help you with the song."

I didn't object. At least I'll get some sleep. I still had time to finish it but I just didn't feel like finishing it at the last minute. I put one of Jimmy's guitar back on the guitar stand he had on his den before I left.

I've been in the den since he left to hang out with his friend Jeff. So I had the whole day to myself. As I got to Jimmy's bedroom I didn't even brother changing my clothes. So I basically slept in my clothes. As soon as my head hit the pillow Mr. Sandman brought me a dream.

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