1. The news

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"Vivian! Come downstairs." My mother yelled up to me while I was studying in my room.

I rolled my eyes as I put down my pen.

"Can you make it fast? I have a calculus test tomorrow!" I sighed as I walked down the stairs.

"Vivian a few minutes won't hurt you. Besides, you have the valedictorian slot locked, your GPA is a 4.7 for God's sake!" She laughed.

"Just tell me what is oh so important that you had to pull me away from my homework." I sat down onto the couch.

"Do you remember the Stoff's?" She asked.

Of course. How could I forget my childhood crush and best friend Denis?

"I haven't heard you talk about them in forever, I thought we lost contact with them." I bit my lip.

"We did, until this afternoon. Mrs. Stoff called. They are moving back into their old home! Isn't that exciting?" My mother smiled.

I was glad to see my mother smile. My father had left us because he had fallen in love with a man, leaving her depressed for a while, and having her best friend, Mrs. Stoff, not communicating with her because it was too big of a hassle had made her sad.

I on the other hand, was not excited for their return.

When they moved away Denis had promised to always keep in touch, and we had, for the first year then he stopped returning my messages, months passed and eventually I just stopped trying.

I faked a smile.

"That's great mom! Now can I go back to my homework?" I asked.

She nodded.

"They will be here tomorrow." She smiled.


I ran up the stairs and immediately called my best friend, Maddie.

"Hey girl! What's up?" She smiled.

"We have a SOS situation." I immediately blurted.

"Spill. Now." I heard her put down her pen, she had been working on homework too.

Yes we were the smartest, most innocent kids in school, completely focused on our studies.

"Denis is moving back here."

"Denis as in ten year old who kissed you?" She gasped.

"Yes." I rubbed my forehead.

I had tried to completely forget about how he kissed me before he left. He was my first kiss, how could I forget.

"No way!"

"Yes way. They are coming back tomorrow. What the hell do I do?"

"He was your childhood crush! This is a love story waiting to happen! You have to look super hot." She giggled.

"If you were in the room with me I would throw a pillow at you because you sound so cliche." I rolled my eyes.

"You know you love me Viv." She laughed.

"So really, what should I do?" I sighed.

"Well I say you just live life normally. You were friends before, so why can't you be friends now?" She asked logically.

"You know why. He stopped talking to me."

"Well I say you give him a chance."

I rolled my eyes looking at the clock, if I hung up now I could get in two more hours of studying before my test.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now