16. Don't play games with me

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A few mornings later I woke up feeling melancholy.

I had gotten no word from Denis since our kiss, he and his family were out of town, coming home tonight and I was honestly terrified of what he would have to say to me.

But I had to go to school.

I got dressed and did my usual morning routine. I was also nervous today about talking to Maddie.

I hadn't told her about the kiss yet, I was waiting until I saw her in person, and since she had been with James all weekend I didn't have the time.

I pulled up to the school nervously, seeing Maddie standing at the front, holding my coffee as she did every morning.

I smiled, at least there was some normalcy in my life right now.

I walked up the stairs hugging her, taking the coffee.

"What's got you down?" She asked.

"How can you tell?" I asked, stunned at how I hadn't said a word to her yet but she still knew something was wrong.

"You're my best friend. I can tell when something's wrong even if I'm a mile away. So spill." She said as we walked through the courtyard.

"Denis kissed me." I sighed, sitting down.

"And you aren't happy about that?" She looked stunned.

"I'm thrilled, but afterwards it was awkward, and he acted like it didn't even happen."

"Well have you talked to him since?" She asked.

"He's out of town with his family."

"And he didn't call?" She looked angry.

I shook my head.

"I can't believe Denis kissed you and now won't call."

"Neither can I. And it sucks, I really thought he liked me." I sighed.

"Thought who liked you?" James asked as he walked up, pressing a quick kiss to Maddie's lips.

"James has Denis contacted you at all this weekend?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Yeah he called me two nights ago. He sounded really frazzled."

Two nights ago. The night we went to the fair.

"What did he say James?"

"He just kept saying that he made a huge mistake over and over again. Why? Is something wrong."

So he thought it was a mistake,  I felt my heart shatter. How could I be so stupid. Denis could have any girl in the world with his killer good looks and amazing personality, I have no idea why I even thought he would consider dating me.

"I've uh.....I've gotta get to class." I looked down, trying not to show my hurt as I got up.

"Viv, wait." Maddie got up.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now