19. Heartbreak

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I quickly tore open the envelope, nervously taking the paper out of it.

"Dear Vivian Night, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to offer you our scholarship....." I trailed off, my voice breaking at the end.


How could they not choose me.

My grades and attendance were perfect.

This couldn't be happening.

My dream of medical school was dead.

My mother looked at me, her eyes full of sadness.

"Vivi, I'm so sorry." She offered a hug.

I shook my head, running past her up into my room, slamming the door.

I sat on the edge of the bed, reading and re-reading that letter, trying to see if my mind was playing a trick on me.

Sadly, it wasn't.

I got up, throwing my lamp onto the floor, watching it break in half, making a loud clatter as I ripped the letter in two.

Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, I looked down to see tattoos. Denis.

"I locked my window." I said.

"Your mother came over and told me." He kissed the back of my neck. "I'm so sorry Viv. Whatever anger you have, take it out on me, scream at me, punch me, whatever you need to do."

I began to sob uncontrollably, turning around in Denis's arms and burying my face in his chest.

"Thank you for coming." I cried, my knees giving out.

Denis quickly scooped me up as I fell, cradling me to his chest.

"How did this happen?" I cried.

"They are stupid for not offering you the scholarship." He kissed the top of my head.

"What the hell am I going to do now? I can't pay for college in America. There's no way."

"I'll help you pay for it Viv. With the money from the album, and the money that people pay to come see us live, I can help."

I shook my head.

"I can't have you do that. I can't take your money."

"I want you to." He looked at me sincerely.

I shook my head.

"No Denis. Absolutely not."

"What about your dad? If you called him he would pay for it all."

"I can't be that daughter. The one that wanted nothing to do with him until she needed his money. That's unfair to him."

"You will figure this out Viv. I promise." He kissed my forehead.

"For now I just want to forget."


The next morning I woke Vivian up for school at the usual time.

She shook her head.

"I'm not going."

"I'll stay with you." I laid back down.

"No, I want you to go, I need some time to collect my thoughts." She sighed.
I nodded.

"Viv if you need anything, call me and I'll be right over."

She nodded, burying her face in the pillow once again.

As I climbed back to my room, changing for school and leaving my house I couldn't help but wonder what I could do to help.

Her dream was dead. There was no way she could pay for college without her dad's help.

I pulled up to the school to see Maddie waiting in her usual spot.

She looked at me quizzically when Vivian wasn't by my side.

"Where's Viv?" She asked.

"Maddie, Vivian got her letter from the scholarship board." I sighed.

She put the fact that Viv was missing and the fact that she got the letter together after a moment, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Oh my god."

"She's not coming today."

"She must be devastated. What can I do to help?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"I have no idea. She usually perks up after a few hours, but the crying didn't stop until she fell asleep." I sighed.

"Call her dad." Maddie instructed.

"Maddie, she told me not to."

"But she didn't tell me not to. She has worked her ass off for four years and deserves medical school. We became friends after her dad left though, so I never met him. He knows you Denis. He likes you."

"Maddie I don't know if I should cross her."

"She will thank you for it later Denis. Trust me."

I nodded.

"Tell the guys not to message her and bother her today. She's got a lot going on in her head."

She nodded.

"Call him." She gave me a 'no nonsense' look.

I nodded, picking up my phone and dialing the number I knew by heart.

I used to call him every day to see if Vivian could come over and play when we were children.

I said a quick prayer in my head, hoping that his number had stayed the same over the years.

My prayer was answered when I heard his voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" He asked gruffly.

"Mr.Night? It's Denis, Denis Stoff."

"Denis!" He sounded happy to hear from me. "Why are you calling?"

"I know that Vivian hasn't been the easiest to reach nor has she been kind to you, but she got her dreams crushed today and this is going to sound harsh, but she needs your help paying for college."

"Did her application get rejected?" He sounded heartbroken for her.

"Yes sir. And I don't know what to do except call you."

"Thank you Denis. You are a good kid. I'd be happy to pay for her schooling. It's the least I can do after breaking her home." He sighed.

"Thank you sir. Thank you so much. Oh! And she can't know that I called you."

"I'll place a call to her mother and chat with her about tuition. We have been cordially communicating recently." I could hear the smile on his voice. "There will be no mention of you Denis."

"Thank you sir. This means the world to Vivian, and to me, I want her to be happy."

"Denis what are you to my Vivian?" He inquired.

"She's my girlfriend. I love her with all my heart."

"Treat her well Denis." He said, before hanging up abruptly.

"I will. I promise."

A/N: THREE CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY THATS WHATS UP! I'm actually just trying to finish this book before I forget my plot plan, at this rate we should be at the sequel soon! I'm so glad you all are excited for it!

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now