11. Welcome to LA

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I sat in the airport at the gate shaking my leg nervously.

Denis chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and rubbing it, chuckling.

"Nervous?" He flashed me a smile.

"Maybe." I blushed, looking away from him.

"It's gonna be a long flight." He sighed.

I gulped. I had never flown before, so the thought of it scared me.

We boarded the plane and took our seats, Ben tapped me on the shoulder and whispered to me.

"Are you ready for the barrel roll that the pilot is going to do?" He chuckled.

"What!" I shrieked.

Ben laughed, sitting down in his seat.

Denis sat next to me in a row to ourselves, while Cam and Sam sat together, and James and Ben sat together in other rows.

"Do you want the window?" Denis asked.

I bit my lip, pondering.

"Sure." I smiled, taking my seat and buckling in.

"Denis?" I asked.

"Yes little Owl?" He asked.

"Are there going to be any flips on this plane ride?"

He laughed.

"No." He paused. "Have you never flown before?" He gasped.

I shook my head.


"Well Viv, I promise you that I will keep you safe." He laced his fingers with mine, kissing my hand.

"Thank you Denis." I smiled.

We began taxiing out to the runway, I looked out the window in awe as we began to speed up, going faster and faster.

My stomach flipped as we left the ground, causing me to squeeze Denis's hand tightly.

He ran his thumb over the back of my hand reassuringly.

After about ten minutes I finally released my death grip on his hand.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" He chuckled.

"It was scary." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're kinda cute." He chuckled.

"Shut up." I yawned we took a late flight so we could sleep through it.

Denis took my seat belt off along with his and lifted the armrest that separated us.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just come here." He grabbed my waist so we laid down together, my back pressed to him, we barely fit on the seats.

I sighed, content and drowsy.

"Goodnight Viv." He whispered.

"Goodnight Denis."


We were woken up by a stewardess.

"We are landing. You need to buckle up." She instructed us.

We both nodded, sleepily sitting up and buckling our seat belts.

I looked out the window to see LA as we landed, a smile on my face.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora