5. Jealous much?

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A month later I followed my usual routine and came outside to Denis leaning on my car.

"You're on time."

"You sound surprised. I can be responsible at times." He smirked.

"No...it's just...uh...." I had no response.

He chuckled.

"Just drive Viv."

I put the car in drive and began to drive us towards school.

"So are you coming to the show on Friday night?" He asked.

"What show?" I raised my eyebrow.

"My band is playing a small show. James wanted me to invite Maddie too."

"James wants Maddie to come?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, he's kinda into her."

"Well you can't tell him this, but she's kinda into him too." I smiled at the thought of my best friend having a boyfriend.

"Now we just need to get you laid too." Denis chuckled.

I slapped his chest.

"Kidding!" He smiled innocently.

"Nobody is 'getting laid' Maddie and I date. We don't do....that."

"Viv I was joking." He chuckled as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Sure you were." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey tonight leave your window unlocked, I wanna talk to you about something important.

My stomach fluttered. Denis and I had grown really close again over the past month, constantly texting during class (which was the most rebellious I ever got) sitting together at lunch, and he came over to my house every night, whether it was through the door or through the window.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

We walked to the courtyard, where Maddie and the guys were sitting.

James and Maddie exchanging flirty banter.

"So I'll see you at the show on Friday?" He asked her hopefully.

"I don't know, I was planning to watch the grass grow that night." She fake yawned.

"She will be there." I winked at James. "Now if you will excuse us." I blew a kiss to the guys as I dragged Maddie away.

"Vivian! We were flirting!"

"I know that. But so was I." I smiled.

"Spill the beans." She smiled.

"Denis wants to talk to me about something important tonight!" I smiled excitedly.

"Oh my god he is totally going to ask you to the dance next week." She smiled.

"Do you think so?" I asked.

She nodded.


I was starting to develop feelings for Denis again, just like I had when I was a child.

"I hope so. And by the way, James definitely likes you. Verified by Denis." I smiled.

"Good. I haven't spent all my time texting him for just friends." She laughed.

I laughed.

"Cmon lets go to class."


I was sitting in Chemistry as the teacher announced yet another project, and not just any project; a partner project.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now