15. Its FAIRly obvious

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"What do you mean you didn't kiss?" Maddie asked, surprised.

"My phone rang." I sighed. "Leave it to my mom to actually care if I'm home at the most inconvenient time ever." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll say. But Viv, he almost kissed you!" She squealed.

I sighed.

"I haven't heard from him since then though." I collapsed onto my bed.

"Viv, it's been less than twenty four hours." She laughed.

"But that's strange for Denis not to talk to me for that long." I collapsed onto the bed, groaning.

Maybe he thought I wasn't interested.

"Calm down you are gonna be okay." Maddie laughed, looking at the clock. "I've gotta get home, if anything happens, call me." She smiled.

"Will do." I said as she left.

I sat up, sighing, picking up a calculus book and working a bit in it.

My window opened and I felt a smile immediately creep onto my face.


He climbed into the window and flashed me a smile.

"It's Friday night and you are doing calculus?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Maddie just left." I said defensively.

"Well you are leaving soon too." He smirked.

"Where am I going to?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You will see."

"What is it with you and surprises?" I asked.

"You know you love my surprises. I keep your life interesting."

He really did.

"True." I shrugged, getting up and checking my appearance.

I was wearing a white sweater with jeans, my hair half up half down in its normal waves.

"Is what I'm wearing alright?" I asked.

"You look perfect." He smiled, making my blush.

"I'll head out the front door this time, so my mom doesn't freak out when she realizes I am gone." I laughed awkwardly, thinking about last night.

He nodded, kissing my forehead before he went out the window.

I laughed going downstairs, saying goodbye to my mother before I walked out, seeing him leaning on his car, finishing a cigarette.

He knew I hated him smoking around me, I was glad he did it when I wasn't around.

He opened the door for me, smiling, then went around to the drivers side.

He started the car and began taking us to another one of his surprise places.

"So why weren't you at school today?" I asked.

"I didn't feel like going." He shrugged.

"That's bad you know."

"I have been informed. But life is more fun when you are a little bit bad." He smirked, winking at me.

"You're the type of guy that moms warn their daughters about." I laughed.

"How so?" He raised his eyebrow.

"The rockstar lifestyle, breaking hearts, waking up with new girls in your bed every day."

"And what do you think about the lifestyle?" He asked.

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now