27. The end?

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So this is it guys...the final chapter of 'The way we were'. I am so thankful for each and every one of you who has read this book. You make my days with your comments and love. I look forward to continuing this crazy journey in the sequel which will be titled 'The Road'. So, without further ado, here is the final episode. (I had to make an AA joke in there at some point.)

Two months later the visit didn't happen.

Neither did the visit that was supposed to happen after that.

The only person I saw for the first year in college was my mother.

My dad paid visits occasionally, but was very with his work and his husband.

Denis and I chatted about once a week over the phone and it was beginning to bother me.

He had time to go out and drink and party, but he could never visit me.

Even at Christmas when we were both in York I never saw him.

He had missed calling me on my birthday, and seemed to have forgotten about it entirely.

We were growing apart and it was slowly killing me.

I was sitting in my dorm working on a chemistry paper when my phone rang.


I debated on whether I should pick up or not.

It had been two months since we even talked, so I decided that I should pick up.

"Hey." I answered the phone.

"Hey beautiful, how are things?" I could hear him smile.

"They've been alright. Everyone here is great."

"That's good. We booked another tour in the U.S., and I'm going to come visit you-"

"Stop." I cut him off.

"Stop what?" He looked curious.

"Stop making false promises."

"I'm not making false promises Viv, what are you talking about?"

"You have promised to come see me three times Denis, and you have seen me none of those times."

"Viv, I've been so busy." He sighed.

"And so have I. But maybe this isn't going to work Denis." I felt myself breaking.

"What do you mean it isn't going to work! Viv! I love you."

"And I love you. Maybe too much. I hurt every time we separate Denis."

"I hurt just as badly as you do when we part ways!"

"Denis, you are the one touring the world! You are the one who doesn't have the time to talk whenever I reach out to you. We haven't talked in two months! Do you think that is a normal thing?"

"Viv, I'm sorry. Please just listen." He pleaded.

"Denis you know how much this hurts? You're supposed to break up with someone because you don't love them, not because you love them too much." I began to cry.

"Please don't cry love." He pleaded.

"I can't do this anymore Denis. I can't take being apart."

"So what does this mean?" He asked.

"Just forget about me. Delete my number, forget I even existed."

"You're the most important person in my life I can't do that!"

"Denis! If we continue this it will just be a cycle of both of us getting hurt, I can't take this anymore."


"I love you Denis. Goodbye."

I hit the end button.

That was it.

No more contact with Denis.

It hurt too badly.

Some people were cut out to be long distance loves, some weren't.

That's just the way we were.

A/N: So this chapter is very short. It was always supposed to be. I know the ending was abrupt, but the sequel should be started tonight or tomorrow. This is not the end of their story. Just the end of their story as children.

I know you all probably hate this ending, but then living happily ever after after high school isn't realistic.

Here's the description for the sequel:

You think it's awkward seeing your ex at the grocery store? Try being Vivian, she sees her ex everywhere she goes, on T-shirts, on magazine covers, she hears his voice on the radio, like a ghost of her past haunting her. Vivian has tried so hard to blend into her surroundings, to keep from anybody recognizing her as Denis's ex. She is now a doctor in the emergency room at a New Jersey hospital, has a serious boyfriend and has grown up entirely.  But what happens when she crosses paths with Asking Alexandria and is forced to face Denis after six years of cutting him off? Find out in 'The Road' (Sequel to The way we were) Written by: anonwriter123456789

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now