26. Graduation

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If you had told me nine months ago that I would be standing at graduation holding Denis's hand completely in love with him, I would have said you were crazy.

If you had told me nine months ago that I would be friends with five boys in a band, I would have said you were crazy.

If you had said that my dad and I had a normal relationship now and he was paying for my college, I would have said you were crazy.

But here I am, standing behind the podium at graduation, about to make my speech. A moment I have dreamed of for years.

I had this speech planned since the ninth grade, but suddenly those words didn't do my high school experience justice.

I took a look at the paper and decided not to read it, instead just speaking from my heart.

"High school, just four years. Four tiny little years in our lives that after today are forever gone. We will all part, and go separate directions. But I know that when we part, I have people that I have met in this place that I will stay in touch with forever. Lifelong friends, who have taught me lifelong lessons. I can only hope that all of this is the same for you. I look out at all of you and I can recall one special memory that each of us has shared. Even if it's just passing in the hallway you have all made an impression on me. I have loved every second of being at this place, and it's changed me into who I am today. I hope we all go forward and chase our dreams, and achieve those dreams, because that's what this place has shaped us to do. Thank you for the best four years of my life." I stepped back, walking back to my seat.

Denis caught my eye, he blew me a kiss, giving me a thumbs up.

I smiled at him, glad that my speech had gone well.

Finally they called us up to get out diplomas, which took about an hour, and finally the ceremony was over.

That was it.

No more high school.

They let us out into a courtyard where I immediately found Denis, jumping into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he caught me.

I kissed his lips with a smile.

"There's my favorite high school graduate." I smiled.

"You did great." He told me with a smile.

I saw a flash and turned to see Maddie looking at a picture of us.

"That's adorable." She cooed, showing us the photo as Denis placed me onto the ground.

Denis and I smiled at each other lovingly as he held me up in his arms.

It was a cute picture.

"I'll have to post that later." I smiled.

Yes I had joined social networking. Finally.

It allowed me to keep up with Denis, see all his pictures from shows and stuff like that.

I already had 3000 followers, most of who were fans of the band and wanted me to talk to them for them. But I didn't mind.

People were so supportive of Denis and I, it was sweet.

I was leaving for college in a week, and Denis was leaving for a headlining tour in America at the same time.

It was nice knowing that we were both off to big things. Everything was perfect at this point in my life.

I stood by my gate at the airport, getting ready to leave for America, somehow Maddie, Cam, Sam, James, Ben, Denis, and my mom were all able to get gate passes in order to say goodbye.

I was so excited to start my future, and I knew they all were too.

Maddie was working as manager and PR consultant for the band, which was so exciting for her, and the boys had their tour.

They would stop by Boston in about two months to see me.

The gate attendant called over the PA system for boarding, and my mother began sobbing.

Oh dear. This was going to be difficult.

I hugged her, rubbing her back.

"You grew up too fast."

"I'll see you in six months." I told her, releasing her.

Next came Maddie.

"Do great things Viv." She smiled, hugging me goodbye.

I did a group hug with the boys and then Broke away to see Denis.

"It's weird when you're leaving me little owl." He faked a tiny smile.

"Now you know how it feels when you go to tour." I laughed.

He suddenly crashed me to his chest.

"I love you so much Viv."

"I love you too. And I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too little owl." His voice cracked as he began to cry, causing me to cry immediately.

"Look at us, we are ridiculous." He chuckled.

"Last call for the flight to Boston!" The lady over the PA called.

"I have to go." I bit my lip, getting up onto my tiptoes and kissing him.

"Two months." He sighed.

"Two months." I repeated.

"I love you." He said, releasing me kissing my forehead, letting me go to board my plane.

A/N: so this chapter was shorter and I apologize, it was a transition chapter so it was a bit difficult to write.


You guys have been getting lazy on the feedback by the way, so I've decided on an ending that will make you have to give me feedback. ;)

As always I love you all, and the final chapter should be up late tonight or tomorrow morning. <3 - Anon

The Way We Were (Denis Shaforostov, Asking Alexandria, Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now